As we begin to prepare to enjoy Easter weekend, I can’t seem to shake this heavy heart. I have read time and time again what Jesus did for us on the cross and at times I asked myself “Do I truly get it?” Do I truly understand what Jesus did for me? I have seen the movies, watched the passion plays, listened to beautiful Easter choirs sing about redemption and forgiveness, but do I truly get it?
Throughout the gospels I read about this amazing teacher who healed the sick, healed the lame and loved people like no one else has ever loved anyone and yet, those same people turned on Him. The same people, who He healed and loved with an undying love, turned on Him and had Jesus crucified. Now I don’t know about you, but that’s when I start to judge them and think about how horrible they were. How could they have done that to Him? How could they have turned their back on Jesus when all He did was love them? How could they not trust Him when they watched Him heal people?
It doesn’t take long for that soft still voice in my heart to speak up and bring me back to reality. Wasn’t I just like them? To be frank and brutally honest, aren’t I still like them at times? For a long time in my life I did not know Christ as my Savior. At times I try to make my own paths for this life instead of following the one that God has created for me. Many times I don’t listen to that soft still voice or listen to what the Bible tells me about my character. How many times have I tried to figure something out on my own instead of just trusting and resting in God?
In Isaiah 52, the Bible tells us that Jesus was marred beyond human likeness and his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of ANY MAN! What this tells us is that all the movies and plays we have seen about the beating and death of Jesus Christ is nothing compared to what really happened. You see, when he hung on the cross in the performances, he still looked human. Clearly the Word tells us that Jesus did not look like a man when He hung on the cross because He was so disfigured from the beatings He had received. When Jesus went to the cross He was marred beyond human likeness.
That is what He willingly did for us because He loves us with an undying love. He did this for us so that we could have eternal life. He did this for us because it was the only way for our sins to be forgiven and we could have communion with the Father. He was beaten and bruised for our iniquities.
Do we truly get it?
The world is still looking for a savior when in all reality, the one true living Savior was already here. He died and rose again! He is seated at the right hand of God Almighty. All we have to do is acknowledge Him as our Savior and submit our life to Him. Surrender who we are and allow Him to changes us! Allow Jesus to take out that heart of stone and replace it with His love.
Do we truly get what Jesus Christ did for us?
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Absolute Truth by Kim Checkeye
Do you believe the Word of God is the absolute Truth for your life? We live in a world that tells us that what we feel or what we think is the absolute truth for our life. That is a lie.
The word absolute means perfect in nature, complete, pure, total, not to be doubted or questioned.
The word truth means a fact, standard and proven to be accepted as true.
Absolute truth is a standard that is not to be doubted or questioned. It is perfect, complete, pure and unchangeable.
Do you believe that to be true of the Bible?
Do you believe that the Bible is the absolute truth to live your life?
Our enemy has been trying to make us doubt God's Word as absolute truth for our life since the beginning of time. Remember the Garden of Eden? In Genesis 2, God told Adam "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." In Genesis 3, the serpent came to the woman and put doubt in her mind about what God said. "Did God really say, You must not eat from any tree in the garden?" The enemy was putting doubt into Eve's mind. After that doubt was planted, the serpent went in and accused God of lying. "You will not surely die." Our enemy has been playing this game with us since the beginning of time. He is attempting to put doubt in our minds so we will doubt God's word as absolute truth for our life. Why does he do this? John 10:10 tells us. "He comes to steal, kill and destroy." What better way to do this then to make us doubt God's word as absolute truth for our life.
The Old Testament has over 300 prophecies of the coming Messiah. For Jesus Christ to have fulfilled 8 of those 300 would be a statistic of 1 out of 100,000,000,000,000,000! That is only for Christ to fulfill 8 of the 300. Yet, Christ fulfilled all 300 of them! We do not have a statistic for that one!
What about the Bible? It was written over a period of 1,500 years in various places stretching from Babylon to Rome. There were over 40 authors who were kings, peasants, poets, herdsmen, fishermen, scientists, farmers, priests, pastors, tent makers and governors. It was written in the wilderness, dungeon, inside palaces, prisons, lonely islands and military battles. Yet, it all ties together.
Psalm 119:160 All of God’s word is true
John 17:17 God’s word is truth
The bottom line is: Do you believe God’s word is absolute truth for your life?
Jan Silvious says “A Holy passion for God comes out of a determined, purposeful relationship with His Word.”
In order to begin to have a Holy passion for God, we need to believe that God’s Word is absolute truth for our lives. It is our foundation for how we act, how we speak, what our morals are based on and how we live our life. In this day and age, the Word of God is the only thing that we can stand on and trust. I know in my life, if I did not have the Word of God to stand on, I would have crumbled and fallen apart.
I challenge you to read the Bible everyday. I challenge you to study the Bible and apply it to your everyday life. I challenge you to shout from the roof tops the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The word absolute means perfect in nature, complete, pure, total, not to be doubted or questioned.
The word truth means a fact, standard and proven to be accepted as true.
Absolute truth is a standard that is not to be doubted or questioned. It is perfect, complete, pure and unchangeable.
Do you believe that to be true of the Bible?
Do you believe that the Bible is the absolute truth to live your life?
Our enemy has been trying to make us doubt God's Word as absolute truth for our life since the beginning of time. Remember the Garden of Eden? In Genesis 2, God told Adam "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." In Genesis 3, the serpent came to the woman and put doubt in her mind about what God said. "Did God really say, You must not eat from any tree in the garden?" The enemy was putting doubt into Eve's mind. After that doubt was planted, the serpent went in and accused God of lying. "You will not surely die." Our enemy has been playing this game with us since the beginning of time. He is attempting to put doubt in our minds so we will doubt God's word as absolute truth for our life. Why does he do this? John 10:10 tells us. "He comes to steal, kill and destroy." What better way to do this then to make us doubt God's word as absolute truth for our life.
The Old Testament has over 300 prophecies of the coming Messiah. For Jesus Christ to have fulfilled 8 of those 300 would be a statistic of 1 out of 100,000,000,000,000,000! That is only for Christ to fulfill 8 of the 300. Yet, Christ fulfilled all 300 of them! We do not have a statistic for that one!
What about the Bible? It was written over a period of 1,500 years in various places stretching from Babylon to Rome. There were over 40 authors who were kings, peasants, poets, herdsmen, fishermen, scientists, farmers, priests, pastors, tent makers and governors. It was written in the wilderness, dungeon, inside palaces, prisons, lonely islands and military battles. Yet, it all ties together.
Psalm 119:160 All of God’s word is true
John 17:17 God’s word is truth
The bottom line is: Do you believe God’s word is absolute truth for your life?
Jan Silvious says “A Holy passion for God comes out of a determined, purposeful relationship with His Word.”
In order to begin to have a Holy passion for God, we need to believe that God’s Word is absolute truth for our lives. It is our foundation for how we act, how we speak, what our morals are based on and how we live our life. In this day and age, the Word of God is the only thing that we can stand on and trust. I know in my life, if I did not have the Word of God to stand on, I would have crumbled and fallen apart.
I challenge you to read the Bible everyday. I challenge you to study the Bible and apply it to your everyday life. I challenge you to shout from the roof tops the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Welcome to the TFW Blog!
Our mission: Helping women to embrace God's word as truth!
Our vision: A spiritually healthy community full of women who are established in God's word and who understand and fulfill God's purposes for their lives.
We are in the process of developing this blog to be a place where Truth for Women will have the opportunity to share with you the heartbeat of the ministry. Through several staff members we will be posting the words of truth that God lays on our hearts.
Please check back soon to "hear" from us!
Our vision: A spiritually healthy community full of women who are established in God's word and who understand and fulfill God's purposes for their lives.
We are in the process of developing this blog to be a place where Truth for Women will have the opportunity to share with you the heartbeat of the ministry. Through several staff members we will be posting the words of truth that God lays on our hearts.
Please check back soon to "hear" from us!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Who we are
Truth for Women believes our greatest joy in living each day will be found as we live according to God’s plan and purpose. We seek to build community among women in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania from every social, cultural, and or denominational background. A community where strengths, resources, and information are shared that will help us understand and fulfill God’s purpose for us as women.
Truth for Women ~ found only in the Word of God!
In the Bible, God tells us that His Word alone is Truth. God Himself wants us to know the Truth about the life He longs for us to have. As an interdenominational organization, God has called Truth for Women to provide, promote, and present women with opportunities to grow in true knowledge of Him. How? Through conferences, seminars, special events, church networking, and our website.
Truth for Women ~ found only in the Word of God!
In the Bible, God tells us that His Word alone is Truth. God Himself wants us to know the Truth about the life He longs for us to have. As an interdenominational organization, God has called Truth for Women to provide, promote, and present women with opportunities to grow in true knowledge of Him. How? Through conferences, seminars, special events, church networking, and our website.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Meet the Writers

Kim's ministry is founded on John 8:32 “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Kim believes that the Word of God will bring victory and healing to all areas of our lives. She draws from her personal experiences of living a life of rejection, losing her mother to cancer and searching for love as she powerfully communicates to others that we have hope in Jesus Christ. Her sincerity touches your heart as she teaches and explores the Word of God to expose the lies we have allowed in our heart. Her down-to earth teaching will have you crying one minute and have you laughing the next.
Kim is President of Truth for Women. She is married to her husband Ben and is the mother of two girls, Hannah and Elizabeth. Kim is a motivational speaker and is available for seminars, conferences and retreats.
You can contact Kim at or visit her website at

Shana Minervini
Shana Minervini loves writing. God uses her life experiences to help her reach others through humor. She is originally from New Jersey and worked in New York City for 15 years. Shana loves the Lord and clings on to His promises. She has a heart for helping people in need. God planted the Truth for Women seed in her heart 4 years ago and is so grateful that seed is now in full bloom.
Eileen Alpaugh
Eileen is a gifted speaker who brings a fresh and timely message from the heart of God. Her life is a glorious testimony to His lovingkindness, faithfulness and restoration power. Eileen will help you recognize the hand of God in the most difficult of circumstances and understand Scripture with Kingdom mentality. She serves as a Pastor's wife in an inner city ministry and is the Vice President of Truth for Women.
Kelly Liberto
Kelly Anne Liberto is a happy wife of thirty years and proud mama to three lovely young ladies. She spends her time writing, speaking and counseling on all that the Lord has done for her. Kelly shares her story of how God healed her miraculously from cancer on “Kelly’s Miracle”, a program created for the public access television show called “Total Recall”. Kelly is currently working on a full length novel in the supernatural thriller genre based on her experience of overcoming childhood sexual abuse.
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