My husband and daughters gave me a bird feeder for my birthday one year. They hung it on a tree outside of my office window so I could watch the birds sit and feed. They also built me a birdhouse out of their own hands. However, the squirrels destroyed the bird feeder. They ripped off the stands and shattered the holes where the birds would feed. I had no idea these little creatures were so powerful. We bought a new feeder that was “squirrel proof.”
Yesterday, I was on the telephone with Sharon Brobst discussing the day to day work of Truth for Women. I looked outside my window and I saw a squirrel that was absolutely amazing. He was desperately trying to get food out of that “squirrel proof” bird feeder. I watched him twist his body every which way to try to get the food. But at one point, he dug his back legs into the tree and stretched his entire upper body out to the feeder. His front paws held on to the feeder while his back legs clung for dear life to the tree.
I started to laugh to Sharon and tell her about the squirrel. My exact words to her were “Boy this will preach to you. There has to be a sermon in this one.”
As I am sitting here this morning listening to the sounds of the birds singing praises to God, my mind wonders to that little squirrel. He knew that if he dug his feet into that tree and hung on to it with everything he had, he could reach that bird feeder which would supply him with the essentials his body needed. He was willing to do whatever it took to reach that supply of nourishment. He stretched his entire body to get the goal!
There are days in my walk with Christ that my spiritual body is so desperate and in need of nourishment of the Word of God. There are days that all I can do is dig my feet into the Truth of His Word and hold onto for dear life. There are days when I have to stretch myself to reach the essentials that I need in my spiritual walk.
Now, I must admit, there are times when I am just plain tired. Times when I am exhausted from the work of ministry and life. Times when I am so lonely for a friend. Lonely for someone to just talk too or go out for coffee.
Oh, how I need to be like that precious squirrel holding onto the Word of God as my lifeline and my plumb line. Holding onto His precious promises even though my mind and flesh is telling me not too. Holding onto His grace and love for me that my mind can’t comprehend. Then, at that very moment when that overwhelming feeling of just giving up comes crushing in, I must reach and stretch with everything that I have to reach for my source of strength and nourishment. Remembering that I am a little creature but the Spirit that is living in me is powerful. Using everything I have within me to press forward and push myself to reach the goal, to reach the prize! To reach that precious moment to feel the presence of my Lord and Savior.
I need to be just like that squirrel. I wonder if he really understands what he is doing or if it is just his natural instinct for survival? Lord, change me and mold me so my natural instinct is to do whatever it takes to reach you.
Thank you Lord God for sending that dear squirrel to my front yard as a reminder of who you are to me.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Are You Making Yourself Ready?
I am jealous for you with the jealousy of God himself.
For I promised you as a pure bride to one husband, Christ.
2 Corinthians 11:2
Let us be glad and rejoice and honor him.
For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself. Revelation 19:7
And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven
like a beautiful bride prepared for her husband.
Revelation 21:2 (NLT)
Have you forgotten that you are My bride? Instead of making yourself ready you go out and play in the world forgetting to be careful to keep yourself separate. So your bridal clothes becomes dirty, torn and ragged. You walk around trying to be like them, and in your dirty clothes you forget Me.
You keep running around looking for where you belong, you keep trying to find love and acceptance. You forget you have an enemy that tells you that you are no longer worthy and your bridal clothes have been destroyed beyond repair.
My love for you is far greater and wider than you can ever imagine. Come to me my bride and I will give you new a new bridal dress. I will wash you whiter than snow. Stay with me and you will see that my love for you is never changing. My love for you is the same today as it was yesterday and it will still be there tomorrow. You will never have more or less of my love than you have right now. You have ALL my love.
Why do you continue to look to things and people? You continue to prostitute yourself to the world. You runs after your lovers. My bride I will not force you, but I will win you back once again.
I will lead you out into the desert and speak to you tenderly there. It will be in the dry and pain of the desert that you will give yourself to me as you did long ago. It will be then that you will come to see me as your beloved groom to whom you were promised.
I will make you my wife forever, showing you righteousness and justice, unfailing love and compassion.I will be faithful to you and make you mine, and you will finally know me as your Beloved Groom. I will show love to you and then I will say, Now you are my bride.
Then you will reply, You are my Groom.Oh come away with me my bride, let me love you. Make yourself ready for the marriage feast of your precious Lamb.

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