Two weeks ago the staff from Truth for Women went on a retreat to Delaware. Some of us drove down with Kim. She had a GPS named “CLETUS”. I will tell you why he is called CLETUS. CLETUS has a southern hick country boy accent. The minute we pulled out of the parking lot you hear “At the end of the street turn Right.” It really sounded like this. “AAAATTT THHHE EEEND OFF THE STREET TURN RAGHT." Why someone chooses that selection of voice I will never know. I would probably crash into a pole.
During this four hour trip to Delaware, we didn’t worry about taking a wrong turn or concentrating on which direction to take. CLETUS took care of everything. We just sat back relaxed, laughed and enjoyed the ride. It didn’t matter if we made a wrong turn; because CLETUS would let us know by saying “REEEE CAL Q LA TIN YOUR RAAA OUT.” We put so much trust into that little gadget that sits upon our dashboard it got me to think about how this road trip is so much like life.
Life does not have a GPS but it does have GOD. My Holy Spirit GPS stands for God’s Power and Strength. We don’t know what problems, heartaches or trials that will go through. We need to trust that God is calculating our route. We might take a wrong turn but he is always there to get us back on track. Do we really put total trust in Him when all our turns are not navigating our way? Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT) Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Why carry all of the heavy burdens of day to day stuff that God has already taken care of? So many times we waste precious time worrying and trying to control every step we make. Why not ask God to take control over the situation? Release it onto Him and He will turn everything around for His glory. Isaiah 40:31 (NLT) But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.
Driving home from the retreat and pulling into the Truth for Women parking lot, we heard CLETUS yell – “YE ALL REEECHED YOUR DES TIN NA TION YE HAW!!!!!” Let God be the author of reaching your destination!
All of us at Truth for Women want to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!
God Bless!