On Saturday, we had the Grand Opening of The Truth for Women Center. My heart is overflowing with love and adoration from the support we have received. Over 100 people attended to help celebrate this momentous occasion. We are praising God for making this dream a reality.
What amazes me the most is how God had His hand on it the whole time. He placed a dream that He wanted to bring to fruition here in the Lehigh Valley on one woman’s heart 10 years ago and on Saturday, that dream came to pass. Because of one woman’s determination and sacrifice, God brought together many different leaders and volunteers throughout these past 10 years to put their hand to the work of the ministry so the dream could become a reality. Many different people working together at different times and different seasons.
But think about it. It only took one woman to start the ball rolling. One woman who was willing to listen and obey God.
I know there are times when we think “Could God really use me to change a township, a county, a state or even the nation?” My answer to that is YES HE CAN! Over history God has used one person at a time to change the world or to help people see things differently or to start a revival to get people focused back on God.
God is looking for obedient hearts that are willing to obey Him. He is not looking for perfection but simply looking for hearts who are sold out to Him and who are willing to lay down their life to do what He is calling them to do.
Is it hard? Oh yeah! At times it is painful, heart breaking, and tiring. You often feel betrayed, lonely, tired and weak. Things happen that make no sense and you wonder if God is really calling you or even listening to you.
You are not alone! We all feel like this at one point in time. But do not let this discourage you or distract you. Stay focused and stay the course. Let nothing stop you from walking down the path that God has for you. Be strong in the Lord. When you are weak, the Lord is strong. He will give you power and strength. He will go before you and behind you. He will fight on your behalf. Keep your eyes on Jesus dear ones and fight the good fight of faith.
If you have not seen the Truth for Women Center, I encourage you to stop by and take a tour! See the mighty hand of God.
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