The story that is on my heart this month is a My Sister’s Closet testimony. My Sister’s Closet is an upscale shop where women can donate clothes, purses, scarves, wraps, shoes, you name it. We buy all our jewelry new. I have spent a pretty penny snatching some gorgeous items before they even hit the floor. My Sister’s Closet sells these fine clothes at a low cost to you. As you look around the shop at the clothing, you will notice that there is a scripture attached to the price tag. All the money that is made from My Sister’s Closet goes straight to the ministries of Truth for Women. With this money, we are able to host bible studies, support groups, seminars workshops and help women in a crisis.
My cousin Melissa attended the Passionate for Truth women’s retreat in January. At the retreat, she bought some jewelry from My Sister’s Closet. I asked Debbie, who works for MSC, to let me know which bracelet Melissa had her eye on so I could buy it for her as a token from the retreat. I got busy with something, probably laughing and talking up a storm with someone and returned to my chair. I discovered that Melissa had bought me the bracelet I wanted to buy for her. Melissa also bought a few of these bracelets for herself.
The bracelets are silver with scriptures engraved on them. I was so touched by the gift because my scripture was Galatians 5:22-23 “But the Spirit produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” I immediately put the bracelet on and thought to myself every time I want to have patience, I will look down at the bracelet to remind myself to calm down. When I want to have self-control and not scream at the person who just cut me off or yell at my family for not having the house picked up the way it should be, I can look at my bracelet.
I started to think of Wonder Woman, she, too, wore bracelets~ the bullets would ricochet off any attacks. I can just picture myself in my car holding my wrist up in the air with the sound effects psh psh psh. Or stopping myself from an argument with my husband with my arm bent in the air and the silver bracelet guarding my mouth. The bracelet was a reminder to me that I am above any circumstance because I have the Holy Spirit. I have a choice on how to handle the situation. I am a Wonder Woman of God!!
Melissa was wearing her bracelet John 3:16, "God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life." Melissa felt that the bracelet was meant for someone else. Immediately, her friend at work, Joan, came to mind. Her husband is dying of cancer and God showed Melissa that Joan feels so alone and she feels helpless at times. Melissa knew that God wanted her friend to have it. She got into work and looked for her friend but she wasn’t there. She called her and asked if she was going to come in. Joan’s plan was to come in briefly and pick up a few things. When Joan came in Melissa rushed to her and said “Joan, God wants you to have this bracelet. He wants you to know that you are not alone and that He is with you during this time.” The two of them wept together. Joan said “You don’t know how much I needed to hear this right now.” God used the bracelet to comfort her pain. Just the day before, Joan told Melissa, she had come across that very same scripture.
Last year there was a woman who came into My Sister’s Closet . Her physical appearance showed that she had been through so much in her life. She came in and tried on some clothes. Deb, our salesperson, told her how beautiful she looked and she wept. Deb asked her why she was crying and she said, "Because no one has ever told me I was beautiful before." The women sat next to the register in a chair for about an hour with complete joy.
Ladies, the bible tells us in Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." God does not make mistakes.
My Sister’s closet is an outreach for women who are hurting and also for women who like beautiful clothes at an awesome price. Our goal is to help the hurting. Remember, one changed life can affect countless others.
If you have a testimony for My Sister’s Closet or Truth for Women we would love to hear from you at info@truthforwomen.org. If you have any spring or summer clothes you would like to donate, please stop in. We love hearing and sharing all the great things that God does.
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