Thursday, July 7, 2011

Restorations by Eileen Alpaugh

Restoration is a concept we are all familiar with. We restore old furniture, antique cars, and houses. It is a process by which something broken, misused, neglected or worn out is carefully and skillfully worked on to bring back the original beauty and usefulness. Flaws are hidden, broken pieces are fixed, and whatever cosmetic processes are available are employed to make it appear to be as good as new. Appear to be.

Too often we take familiar words and apply their common meaning to spiritual matters. When we consider restoration as it applies to a life devastated by the effects of sin, we think of that life retuning to its former status, as if nothing bad happened. A do over if you will.

Scripture renews and transforms our common thinking to Kingdom mentality. When God is involved in restoration it is unlike any process we can imagine. Rather than a restoration of appearance it is one of divine purpose. Only God can restore a life to a state that is of higher value and usefulness than its former condition. Those of us who have experienced the transforming power of the Living God can testify to this truth.

In the book of Ruth we learn of lives are devastated by famine, disease and death. Our earthly thinking would have spared Naomi and Ruth that suffering to allow them to live out their lives with their husbands and sons…. happily ever after. Naomi’s initial reaction to her suffering brought her to a place of sorrow and bitterness. How often we respond like Naomi, underestimating the possibility of divine restoration when a powerful loving God intervenes. By the divine intervention of God, restoration was not only brought to these women in their earthly situations, but it also allowed them to be part of the eternal plan of redemption as they were elevated to positions placing them in the genealogy of the Savior of all mankind.

This same God has a divine plan of restoration for each life yielded to His loving touch regardless of the degree of destruction. This process of restoration is ongoing and far reaching. Lives are not given a clean up or fix up but rather the transformation of becoming a New Creation in Christ bearing the image of God Himself.

Can you imagine a life more in need of this kind of restoration than those caught up in sex trafficking? Can you imagine a soul more satisfied than one who has been rescued from horror and repositioned in a role of divine purpose?

Can we, who have experienced this amazing process not do everything in our power to make this Truth known to others?

Our mission is to bring the Truth of Divine Restoration to as many lives as possible. Our privilege is to be part of the plan that has eternal value. Our Hope is that you will join us.

One changed life can affect countless others. Imagine the possibilities.
“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that when He shall appear we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And every man that hath this hope in him, purifleth himself even as He is pure.” (I John III: v. 2, 3).

…until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. Acts 3:21

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