This morning as I was spending my alone time with the Lord, I was reading Hebrews 10:19-25.
“Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the day approaching.”
As I read this I thought how strange it was that God put that part about spurring one another on right there in the middle of this passage. Why would God do that?
I love how this scripture takes us from one step to another and how each verse supports the one before it and after it. It tells us that we can have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place because of the blood that Christ shed for us. It continues to develop as it teaches us that Christ was the new and living way because of His body and how He is the great priest who is over the house of God. It assures us that we can draw near to God with a sincere heart that is so full of assurance of faith that our hearts can be sprinkled clean from a guilty conscience and we can be washed with pure water.
Oh how I hold this so close to my heart. I know the girl I use to be so full of myself and my own desires. A young woman so full of the flesh and instant gratification. A girl so full of worldly things and expectations.
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Why would God put this in the midst of these verses? Well, I can only share with you what He laid on my heart.
As I researched the word “spur”, I went back to the original Greek text which is paroxusmos. This word translates to the following:
So as Christians, we are to irritate one another? That one sure made me laugh and gave me a good chuckle this morning.
You see, we are to provoke one another, spur one another, irritate one another, and sharpen one another toward love and good deeds. It is all above loving one another so much that we sharpen one another to not stay the way we are but to push one another to grow in love and good deeds.
I am blessed with working with Christian women every day of my life. It is a joy that I can’t put into words. But I have two ladies in my life that this scripture is so true! One has become a mentor for me in the ministry and helping me grow to learn the areas of a non-profit. The other, is my right hand lady who I work with side by side. Each very different from one another and at times they are on two ends of the spectrum!!! Yet these women bring to life this scripture. They are the exact definition and meaning of this verse!
We provoke one another toward love and good deeds. We push one another to be more like Jesus. We sharpen one another to focus on the goal that Christ has set before us and not get distracted by the little things in life. We irritate the daylights out of each other at times!!!
Oh but can I tell you what a joy it is to have true Christian support like this. It is how the body of Christ was called to work and live with one another.
Are there days when it hurts? Sure! But that’s when we lovingly look at one another and say “Pull your big girl panties up and deal with it my sister.”
God is so faithful and He will do what He said He would. He promised us a Savior and He gave us His one and only Son. God loved the world so much that He sent us His Son to be born so that one day He could die a gruesome death for the world!
But God also has given us one another to sharpen each other so we can be transformed and changed more into the image of Christ. Instead of running away from those who challenge you into greatness, what about running to them with open arms to say let’s do this together?
Christmas is only a few days away and I challenge you to not get caught up in what the world has created this Holiday to be but to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. I challenge you to focus on the birth of Christ our Savior. I challenge you as you come together with family and friends to be that light shining for Jesus. I challenge you to find other Christians who love you enough to want to spur you on to greatness! I challenge you to proclaim from the rooftops with boldness that Christ is and how He is the one and only true Savior of this world.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Do You Hear What I Hear? by Eileen Alpaugh
Oh my, I feel a series coming on. There are so many things to learn about the art of listening. The older I get the more I realize how many situations teeter on the brink of success or failure based on good communication or the lack thereof. It has recently become one of the main things needing my attention and concentration. I’m amazed at what I am learning.
I am blessed to spend the majority of my days in the company of Christians. We share the same faith, the same convictions, the same passions and the same struggles. We work together, minister together and fellowship together. Yet with all we have in common, we struggle in the area of communication. More often that not we discover we have ‘heard’ very different things in our conversations and meetings. It has been laughable at times as we revisit a topic to learn just how mixed our messages got.
It reminds me of a quote from Robert McCloskey, U.S. State Department spokesman, at a press briefing during the Vietnam War. He said, “ I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”
Each of us has a way of processing information based on many factors; how we were raised, our experiences, our fears and our desires to name a few. Much of what we hear is filter through the ‘what’s in it for me’ standard. How does this pertain to me, what will be required of me, does this interest me, what will my response be, and so on.
All this has made me wonder about how I ‘hear’ the Word of God. How many times have I listened to a sermon or read Scripture from the ‘what’s in it for me’ standpoint causing me to miss what the Spirit of God was saying – which, if I had actually heard would have been so much more meaningful than what I was hoping He would say. Oh how gracious He is to keep saying what I need to hear until I have an ear to hear.
Romans 12 speaks about how we are transformed by the renewing of our mind. As the Word of God corrects the way we think, it allows us to hear from a new perspective – His perspective. Oh, how I long for that. I know it’s a process and will take time. And to help me along, I have His people with whom I can practice.
As the Holiday approaches and the New Year begins, I pray God will bless you with the richness of His presence and the abundance of His Peace. May you hear His message of unsurpassed love and unfathomable grace in every carol that is sung, may you see His hands of mercy reaching out to those in need and may you be the light that shines to those who still walk in darkness, waiting to hear.
With much love, Eileen
I am blessed to spend the majority of my days in the company of Christians. We share the same faith, the same convictions, the same passions and the same struggles. We work together, minister together and fellowship together. Yet with all we have in common, we struggle in the area of communication. More often that not we discover we have ‘heard’ very different things in our conversations and meetings. It has been laughable at times as we revisit a topic to learn just how mixed our messages got.
It reminds me of a quote from Robert McCloskey, U.S. State Department spokesman, at a press briefing during the Vietnam War. He said, “ I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”
Each of us has a way of processing information based on many factors; how we were raised, our experiences, our fears and our desires to name a few. Much of what we hear is filter through the ‘what’s in it for me’ standard. How does this pertain to me, what will be required of me, does this interest me, what will my response be, and so on.
All this has made me wonder about how I ‘hear’ the Word of God. How many times have I listened to a sermon or read Scripture from the ‘what’s in it for me’ standpoint causing me to miss what the Spirit of God was saying – which, if I had actually heard would have been so much more meaningful than what I was hoping He would say. Oh how gracious He is to keep saying what I need to hear until I have an ear to hear.
Romans 12 speaks about how we are transformed by the renewing of our mind. As the Word of God corrects the way we think, it allows us to hear from a new perspective – His perspective. Oh, how I long for that. I know it’s a process and will take time. And to help me along, I have His people with whom I can practice.
As the Holiday approaches and the New Year begins, I pray God will bless you with the richness of His presence and the abundance of His Peace. May you hear His message of unsurpassed love and unfathomable grace in every carol that is sung, may you see His hands of mercy reaching out to those in need and may you be the light that shines to those who still walk in darkness, waiting to hear.
With much love, Eileen
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
What? No Turkey? by Eileen Alpaugh
The front door opens. Hugs and kisses abound as family members greet one another. Tantalizing aromas fill the air – you can smell the distinct dishes as you step through the front door. The table is set with the good dishes and the chairs from every room are strategically placed around the fully extended dining room table making room for every guest. You’ve been looking forward to this day since the leaves began turning gold; the annual feast with all the traditional food. Special care has been taken to make sure everyone’s favorite food has been prepared. What a fantastic American Holiday!
All the serving platters are set out. Potatoes, stuffing, yams….. Uh-oh, something’s wrong. Where’s the turkey? Seriously? No Turkey? If you’re going to forget something make it the cranberry sauce, even the corn but it can’t be Thanksgiving without the turkey!
A ridiculous and somewhat scary thought yet in all our traditional details we typically forget something else …Thankfulness. Now, you may think you know where I’m going with this but stay with me for a few more lines. Chances are, if you are reading this blog, you are a Christian and as such you are duly inundated with the holiday platitudes of remembering to thank God for all your blessings. Let’s take a bit of a detour, shall we.
Who is thankful for you? And why? Take a moment to reflect on the last ten and a half months. How much time have you spent investing in someone else’s life? Who can now walk through life a bit more equipped because of your influence? How many people are sitting at their own family meal whispering a prayer of thanks because of your friendship?
This isn’t meant to be a reproof - not at all. It is intended rather, to bless you. You – the nursery worker who allows young moms to sit in a service feasting on spiritual delicacies while formula is offered to you in its digested state. You – the great listener to everyone’s problems. You – the caretaker of the aging parent, the terminally ill, or the chronically ungrateful. You, the cheerful giver who makes it possible for the Gospel of Christ to be preached. You – the faithful volunteer who works for hours at a ministry after working a full time job. You – the prayer warrior who goes without sleep to intercede for the needs of others. You who live out Romans 12 by presenting yourselves a living sacrifice because it is your reasonable service and worship to your Savior. You, the ones written of in Philippians 1:3. People of whom others can say, “I thank God every time I think of you.”
So this Thanksgiving Day, as you look upon the turkey in all its glory, please remember to add one more tradition. Remember that your life is a blessing to others. And if by chance no one else mentions it, I’m giving thanks for you.
All the serving platters are set out. Potatoes, stuffing, yams….. Uh-oh, something’s wrong. Where’s the turkey? Seriously? No Turkey? If you’re going to forget something make it the cranberry sauce, even the corn but it can’t be Thanksgiving without the turkey!
A ridiculous and somewhat scary thought yet in all our traditional details we typically forget something else …Thankfulness. Now, you may think you know where I’m going with this but stay with me for a few more lines. Chances are, if you are reading this blog, you are a Christian and as such you are duly inundated with the holiday platitudes of remembering to thank God for all your blessings. Let’s take a bit of a detour, shall we.
Who is thankful for you? And why? Take a moment to reflect on the last ten and a half months. How much time have you spent investing in someone else’s life? Who can now walk through life a bit more equipped because of your influence? How many people are sitting at their own family meal whispering a prayer of thanks because of your friendship?
This isn’t meant to be a reproof - not at all. It is intended rather, to bless you. You – the nursery worker who allows young moms to sit in a service feasting on spiritual delicacies while formula is offered to you in its digested state. You – the great listener to everyone’s problems. You – the caretaker of the aging parent, the terminally ill, or the chronically ungrateful. You, the cheerful giver who makes it possible for the Gospel of Christ to be preached. You – the faithful volunteer who works for hours at a ministry after working a full time job. You – the prayer warrior who goes without sleep to intercede for the needs of others. You who live out Romans 12 by presenting yourselves a living sacrifice because it is your reasonable service and worship to your Savior. You, the ones written of in Philippians 1:3. People of whom others can say, “I thank God every time I think of you.”
So this Thanksgiving Day, as you look upon the turkey in all its glory, please remember to add one more tradition. Remember that your life is a blessing to others. And if by chance no one else mentions it, I’m giving thanks for you.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
You Were Formed by the Master by Kim Checkeye
One of my favorite scriptures is Psalm 139:15-16.
“My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the depth of the earth;
Your eyes have seen my unformed substance;
And in Your book were all written
The days that were ordained for me,
When as yet there was not one of them.”
I hold this scripture so close to my heart because most of my life growing up, I thought I was a huge mistake. I thought if there was a God, He must have been asleep on the day I was born. This was a huge lie that I believed and it caused much confusion, pain and hurt in my life.
Do you truly understand that the God who spoke the world into existence saw you before you were even formed? That your frame was not hidden from Him? That God Almighty ordained all your days before there was even one of them?
I believe if we truly got a hold of this truth and held onto it for dear life, we would never be the same.
The original text of “your eyes have seen” means the following:
* To see
* Observe
* Perceive
* Get acquainted with
* Gain understanding
* Examine
* Look after
Before God spoke the world into existence, He observed you. He perceived you. He saw you. He was acquainted with you. He had an understanding of you, examined you and looked after YOU! Now if that doesn’t just make you want to dance, I don’t know what will.
Dear ones, you were not a mistake. You were formed for His glory and honor. He chose you before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.
So my question to all of us is this; then why don’t we act like it? Ouch! If we truly understood this scripture, I think we would act very different. We would not be so susceptible to being down on ourselves. I think we would see problems and tribulations differently if we stood on this scripture. I believe our behavior, attitude and perception would be completely changed.
So many times we think God has forgotten about us or doesn’t see our pain. In all reality, He is walking right there beside us calling us to Him. But there are times when we are so distracted, that we can’t even hear Him.
I encourage you to write this scripture on post it notes and note cards. Hang them up everything. Put them in the kitchen, on the mirrors, on your computer and by your phone. Meditate on this scripture day and night. Don’t let go of it until you completely have absorbed it in your mind, body and soul. Then, shout it from the rooftops! Then tell everyone you come into contact with about this precious truth that you have come to know and love.
“My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the depth of the earth;
Your eyes have seen my unformed substance;
And in Your book were all written
The days that were ordained for me,
When as yet there was not one of them.”
I hold this scripture so close to my heart because most of my life growing up, I thought I was a huge mistake. I thought if there was a God, He must have been asleep on the day I was born. This was a huge lie that I believed and it caused much confusion, pain and hurt in my life.
Do you truly understand that the God who spoke the world into existence saw you before you were even formed? That your frame was not hidden from Him? That God Almighty ordained all your days before there was even one of them?
I believe if we truly got a hold of this truth and held onto it for dear life, we would never be the same.
The original text of “your eyes have seen” means the following:
* To see
* Observe
* Perceive
* Get acquainted with
* Gain understanding
* Examine
* Look after
Before God spoke the world into existence, He observed you. He perceived you. He saw you. He was acquainted with you. He had an understanding of you, examined you and looked after YOU! Now if that doesn’t just make you want to dance, I don’t know what will.
Dear ones, you were not a mistake. You were formed for His glory and honor. He chose you before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.
So my question to all of us is this; then why don’t we act like it? Ouch! If we truly understood this scripture, I think we would act very different. We would not be so susceptible to being down on ourselves. I think we would see problems and tribulations differently if we stood on this scripture. I believe our behavior, attitude and perception would be completely changed.
So many times we think God has forgotten about us or doesn’t see our pain. In all reality, He is walking right there beside us calling us to Him. But there are times when we are so distracted, that we can’t even hear Him.
I encourage you to write this scripture on post it notes and note cards. Hang them up everything. Put them in the kitchen, on the mirrors, on your computer and by your phone. Meditate on this scripture day and night. Don’t let go of it until you completely have absorbed it in your mind, body and soul. Then, shout it from the rooftops! Then tell everyone you come into contact with about this precious truth that you have come to know and love.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Down, But Not Out
I recently heard this testimony from Pastor Larry Burd of Calvary Baptist in Bethlehem and I asked him if I could share it with all of you on our blogspot. I think you will be encouraged by his testimony. Enjoy. Kim Checkeye
On Monday, October 18, 2010 I was down, but not out! I believe God spared my life from serious injury or even possibly from death.
I was bow hunting for deer with my youngest son, Evan and a friend, Dave Horvath. We were hunting on Dave’s land in Hellertown, PA. We had been in our tree stands for about two hours. I had been standing for the entire two hours, watching for deer and reading my little New Testament. I decided to sit down on a seat that had been built in the tree stand. As I attempted to sit down, one of the 2 x 4 rails by the seat came loose and I lost my balance and fell about 12-14 feet to the ground. I landed on my right side and on my chest. I was in tremendous pain and called for my son, Evan, who was in another tree stand about 100 yards away. I thought surely I had broken my right hip, ribs or back, but my greatest pain was in the middle of my chest. The pain was intense, especially when I breathed. In a few minutes Evan and Dave arrived to help me.
I was so grateful to God that I was alive. I had not hit my head on a rock or broken either of my legs or arms. I was in great pain, but able to stand up and walk out of the woods with the aid of a walking stick.
Evan called his wife and she told his mother what happened. He then called his sister, Lisa, who is a nurse at St. Luke’s Hospital in Bethlehem, PA. When Lisa heard Evan describe the intense pain I was having in my chest she insisted we go to the Emergency Room at the hospital and that I get checked out.
The Emergency Room staff at the hospital took me in immediately, put an oxygen tube in my nose, gave me a shot of morphine for the pain I was experiencing, drew several vials of blood and began to assess my injuries. The ER doctor ordered numerous X-rays and a cat scan to determine if I had any broken bones or internal injuries. Several hours later the doctor returned and said he had very good news for me. The X-rays, CAT scan and blood tests showed I had no broken bones and no internal injuries. The doctor said I had severe bruises but I was “lucky.” I assured the doctor that it wasn’t luck that spared my life but God who protected me.
Numerous verses of scripture have come to mind through my experience of falling from the tree stand. Psalm 34:19-20 declares, “A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all; He protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.” I am so grateful that the Lord delivered me in my fall and that not one of my bones was broken.
Psalm 91:11-12 says this about the Lord: “For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.” Although there were stones on the ground in the area where I fell it seemed as though I fell between the stones. If I had hit my head or spine on a stone I could have been killed or paralyzed for life. Truly the Lord’s angels must have protected me when I fell.
Proverbs 24:16 says, “for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again…” To me it was a miracle that I fell 12-14 feet and was able to walk out of the woods and have no broken bones or serious internal injuries.
The words of Job’s friend, Eliphaz, spoken to Job during all his troubles have special meaning to me as I reflect on my fall from the tree stand. Eliphaz said in Job 5:19 “From six calamities He (God) will rescue you; in seven no harm will befall you.”
When I fell I was “Down, But Not Out.” The little New Testament I had been reading was still in my hand when I fell. I do not believe for one moment that it was “luck” that spared my life from serious injury or even death. I believe it was God who delivered me, protected me and spared my life. I give Him all the praise, honor and glory.
Jesus saved me spiritually at age seventeen during another crisis moment in my life, and I believe He saved me physically when I fell from the tree stand. During the incident at age seventeen I realized I had sinned before a holy God and needed forgiveness. I recognized that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and was resurrected from the dead so I could have the gift of eternal life and spend eternity with Him someday. I repented (turned away from my sins) and invited Jesus Christ into my life, by faith, as my Savior and Lord. I began to experience a whole new life and had great peace in my heart and mind. The truth of Romans 5:1 became a reality to me. “Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus ChrIst.”
Through my experience of falling from the tree stand and not being seriously injured or killed, I have concluded that God must have more work for me to do on this earth. I must do it with all my heart, mind, soul and strength for His glory alone.
“Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down;
For the Lord upholds him with his hand.” (Psalm 37:24)
Pastor Larry E. Burd
On Monday, October 18, 2010 I was down, but not out! I believe God spared my life from serious injury or even possibly from death.
I was bow hunting for deer with my youngest son, Evan and a friend, Dave Horvath. We were hunting on Dave’s land in Hellertown, PA. We had been in our tree stands for about two hours. I had been standing for the entire two hours, watching for deer and reading my little New Testament. I decided to sit down on a seat that had been built in the tree stand. As I attempted to sit down, one of the 2 x 4 rails by the seat came loose and I lost my balance and fell about 12-14 feet to the ground. I landed on my right side and on my chest. I was in tremendous pain and called for my son, Evan, who was in another tree stand about 100 yards away. I thought surely I had broken my right hip, ribs or back, but my greatest pain was in the middle of my chest. The pain was intense, especially when I breathed. In a few minutes Evan and Dave arrived to help me.
I was so grateful to God that I was alive. I had not hit my head on a rock or broken either of my legs or arms. I was in great pain, but able to stand up and walk out of the woods with the aid of a walking stick.
Evan called his wife and she told his mother what happened. He then called his sister, Lisa, who is a nurse at St. Luke’s Hospital in Bethlehem, PA. When Lisa heard Evan describe the intense pain I was having in my chest she insisted we go to the Emergency Room at the hospital and that I get checked out.
The Emergency Room staff at the hospital took me in immediately, put an oxygen tube in my nose, gave me a shot of morphine for the pain I was experiencing, drew several vials of blood and began to assess my injuries. The ER doctor ordered numerous X-rays and a cat scan to determine if I had any broken bones or internal injuries. Several hours later the doctor returned and said he had very good news for me. The X-rays, CAT scan and blood tests showed I had no broken bones and no internal injuries. The doctor said I had severe bruises but I was “lucky.” I assured the doctor that it wasn’t luck that spared my life but God who protected me.
Numerous verses of scripture have come to mind through my experience of falling from the tree stand. Psalm 34:19-20 declares, “A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all; He protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.” I am so grateful that the Lord delivered me in my fall and that not one of my bones was broken.
Psalm 91:11-12 says this about the Lord: “For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.” Although there were stones on the ground in the area where I fell it seemed as though I fell between the stones. If I had hit my head or spine on a stone I could have been killed or paralyzed for life. Truly the Lord’s angels must have protected me when I fell.
Proverbs 24:16 says, “for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again…” To me it was a miracle that I fell 12-14 feet and was able to walk out of the woods and have no broken bones or serious internal injuries.
The words of Job’s friend, Eliphaz, spoken to Job during all his troubles have special meaning to me as I reflect on my fall from the tree stand. Eliphaz said in Job 5:19 “From six calamities He (God) will rescue you; in seven no harm will befall you.”
When I fell I was “Down, But Not Out.” The little New Testament I had been reading was still in my hand when I fell. I do not believe for one moment that it was “luck” that spared my life from serious injury or even death. I believe it was God who delivered me, protected me and spared my life. I give Him all the praise, honor and glory.
Jesus saved me spiritually at age seventeen during another crisis moment in my life, and I believe He saved me physically when I fell from the tree stand. During the incident at age seventeen I realized I had sinned before a holy God and needed forgiveness. I recognized that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and was resurrected from the dead so I could have the gift of eternal life and spend eternity with Him someday. I repented (turned away from my sins) and invited Jesus Christ into my life, by faith, as my Savior and Lord. I began to experience a whole new life and had great peace in my heart and mind. The truth of Romans 5:1 became a reality to me. “Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus ChrIst.”
Through my experience of falling from the tree stand and not being seriously injured or killed, I have concluded that God must have more work for me to do on this earth. I must do it with all my heart, mind, soul and strength for His glory alone.
“Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down;
For the Lord upholds him with his hand.” (Psalm 37:24)
Pastor Larry E. Burd
Thursday, October 14, 2010
A Mind to Work by Eileen Alpaugh
She gets the call at 5:15 p.m. Her mother-in- law is stopping by to say ‘hello.’ She hangs up the phone, takes a look around her house and tries not to panic. “What do I do first? Freshen the bathroom…no, load the dishwasher… pick up hubby’s socks next to his favorite chair (maybe she should leave them there so his mother can see!)” Twenty minutes later she opens the door and welcomes her unexpected guest into a perfectly presentable home complete with supper cooking on the stove. How did she do it? She had a mind to work. The same woman who just a half hour ago arrived home from an exhausting day at work, ready to put her feet up with a cup of tea and a couple of Swiss Fudge Cookies, managed to find the wherewithal to get a full days chores done in 20 minutes armed with nothing more than a mind to work. The right motivation can give us the energy and stamina to accomplish things that would otherwise seem impossible. As women we are called upon to do this almost daily. Functioning at work after a sleepless night with a sick child, or the unexpected trip to the school with the forgotten permission slip, or the “Oh honey, I forgot – could you do this for me today?” – in between the 25 other to do’s on the list. We manage to get things done when we put our minds to it.
The call is going out “Jesus is Coming Soon.” As His followers we recognize the signs of the times and are convinced that His return cannot be far off. This knowledge motivates me to do what might otherwise seem impossible…to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of my community so that they will not be ignorant or caught unprepared at His appearing. There are so many who need to hear. Like Nehemiah I am broken hearted when I look at the brokenness of my home community.
“What can I do?” you may ask, “I am only one person.” In the book of Nehemiah we are given an incredible example of the difference one person can make. With a broken heart and a sincere prayer he made himself available to be used by God to rebuild the wall of his ravaged home town. What he and his fellow countrymen did in 52 days was nothing short of miraculous.
When you look around your community, among the people in your own church and you see the vast needs, does it motivate you to work beyond your ability, beyond your natural energy to do what seems impossible? As you look around your home town do you see things that break your heart? Lives in shambles, broken hearts, and families being torn apart and left in ruins? If you could change it, would you? Will you?
Do you need a place to start? Truth for Women has many volunteer opportunities available. With combined strength and resources we are working together to help rebuild our community one woman at a time. You could be a person who makes a difference. God is looking for people with a mind to work. The plan is simple; you bring a willing heart and He’ll provide everything else – the energy, the resources, the intelligence and He’ll even provide the results. You’ll be amazed at what can be accomplished with a mind to work.
For more information about Volunteer opportunities call 610-866-5755
For further reading:
Nehemiah 4:6
Philippians 2:13
1 Corinthians 3:6-7
The call is going out “Jesus is Coming Soon.” As His followers we recognize the signs of the times and are convinced that His return cannot be far off. This knowledge motivates me to do what might otherwise seem impossible…to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of my community so that they will not be ignorant or caught unprepared at His appearing. There are so many who need to hear. Like Nehemiah I am broken hearted when I look at the brokenness of my home community.
“What can I do?” you may ask, “I am only one person.” In the book of Nehemiah we are given an incredible example of the difference one person can make. With a broken heart and a sincere prayer he made himself available to be used by God to rebuild the wall of his ravaged home town. What he and his fellow countrymen did in 52 days was nothing short of miraculous.
When you look around your community, among the people in your own church and you see the vast needs, does it motivate you to work beyond your ability, beyond your natural energy to do what seems impossible? As you look around your home town do you see things that break your heart? Lives in shambles, broken hearts, and families being torn apart and left in ruins? If you could change it, would you? Will you?
Do you need a place to start? Truth for Women has many volunteer opportunities available. With combined strength and resources we are working together to help rebuild our community one woman at a time. You could be a person who makes a difference. God is looking for people with a mind to work. The plan is simple; you bring a willing heart and He’ll provide everything else – the energy, the resources, the intelligence and He’ll even provide the results. You’ll be amazed at what can be accomplished with a mind to work.
For more information about Volunteer opportunities call 610-866-5755
For further reading:
Nehemiah 4:6
Philippians 2:13
1 Corinthians 3:6-7
Monday, September 13, 2010
Praising God by Kim Checkeye
On Saturday, we had the Grand Opening of The Truth for Women Center. My heart is overflowing with love and adoration from the support we have received. Over 100 people attended to help celebrate this momentous occasion. We are praising God for making this dream a reality.
What amazes me the most is how God had His hand on it the whole time. He placed a dream that He wanted to bring to fruition here in the Lehigh Valley on one woman’s heart 10 years ago and on Saturday, that dream came to pass. Because of one woman’s determination and sacrifice, God brought together many different leaders and volunteers throughout these past 10 years to put their hand to the work of the ministry so the dream could become a reality. Many different people working together at different times and different seasons.
But think about it. It only took one woman to start the ball rolling. One woman who was willing to listen and obey God.
I know there are times when we think “Could God really use me to change a township, a county, a state or even the nation?” My answer to that is YES HE CAN! Over history God has used one person at a time to change the world or to help people see things differently or to start a revival to get people focused back on God.
God is looking for obedient hearts that are willing to obey Him. He is not looking for perfection but simply looking for hearts who are sold out to Him and who are willing to lay down their life to do what He is calling them to do.
Is it hard? Oh yeah! At times it is painful, heart breaking, and tiring. You often feel betrayed, lonely, tired and weak. Things happen that make no sense and you wonder if God is really calling you or even listening to you.
You are not alone! We all feel like this at one point in time. But do not let this discourage you or distract you. Stay focused and stay the course. Let nothing stop you from walking down the path that God has for you. Be strong in the Lord. When you are weak, the Lord is strong. He will give you power and strength. He will go before you and behind you. He will fight on your behalf. Keep your eyes on Jesus dear ones and fight the good fight of faith.
If you have not seen the Truth for Women Center, I encourage you to stop by and take a tour! See the mighty hand of God.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
This is War by Kim Checkeye
As most of you know, on Saturday, September 11th, the doors of The Truth for Women Center will be opening. This is a momentous occasion for the ministry and for each of us who have watched this dream become a reality.
What is on my heart to share with you is the battle that we have all gone through that enabled us to get to this point in time.
Ephesians 6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
I must admit, that until the past two years of my life, I truly did not understand the gravity of this scripture. I knew this scripture. I studied it and I quoted it. I taught on it. But it did not sink deep within my soul and in my heart until just recently.
I have watched my sisters, my team; my partners in this ministry go through great trials, problems, family issues, physical pain, great hurt and losses over the past few years. We have held each other and cried as we share each other’s burdens.
But what happens when people come against you or talk behind your back? What do you do when you work side by side with someone and you find out that they said some pretty nasty things about you? How do you handle it when a family member gets hurt or sick? Where do you go when obstacles come from the left and the right? Where do you run when you lost your job and you can’t pay the bills? How do you stay focused when distractions come to stop the work and divert your attention to something else?
You remember that none of this is a battle against flesh and blood. None of this is a battle against another human being. As scripture states, it is against the rulers, the authorities, the powers of the dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil. Now I know this is hard to comprehend at times but the Word of God is truth for our lives. It is the same yesterday, today and forever more. It is for us to apply to our lives TODAY. The Bible is to give us insight and direction on how we should walk and live.
We have been diligently working at the renovations in our new suite and we have been getting ready for our Grand Opening. During this time, I became very exhausted and depressed. Now if you know me, I am a woman who hits the ground running and doesn’t stop until I hit the bed at night. Exhaustion is not in my vocabulary. I have never experienced depression in my life and to be honest, I really didn’t know what it was. For weeks I pushed myself and told myself to keep going. I pushed my mind and my body to produce what I wanted it to produce. I cried to my husband and told him something was seriously wrong with me and I didn’t know what to do.
It wasn’t until I was sitting in my home church listening to my Pastor preach on Moses and the call that he had on his life that I realized this battle was not against flesh and blood. For me, this battle was something spiritual. This was a tactic from the enemy to stop the work in order that the doors of the Truth for Women Center would not open. WOW! I was shocked and I really didn’t know what to do. I had never been through something like this and I didn’t know how to handle it. How do I combat this? How do I get through it?
Well, the battle wasn’t mine to fight. I needed to go back to the text and follow the rest of the Scripture in Ephesians 6. “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted with the readiness that come from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.”
This is so powerful and it is meant for you and me. This is not just a Sunday School lesson for children but it is a message of warfare for you and me! We are soldiers in God’s army and we have a very real enemy. We have an enemy who wants to seek, kill and destroy. The life we live is no game, it is a war.
Because of who we are in Christ, we are able to stand firm and not be moved. We are able to know truth because we have the belt of truth around our waist. We are able to carry peace with us at all times. This is a MUST in the body of Christ. It breaks my heart to see Christians tearing down other Christians because they have different opinions. It grieves me to see Christians talk about each other and say it is ok because they are just sharing their heart and it is a safe place. It hurts to see churches working against each other rather than rallying together to bring souls into the Kingdom.
Does God take us to points in our lives where our faith is stretched? Absolutely. But He does this so our faith in Him can be tested and we can grow further in our relationship with Him.
Pray and always be alert. You see, this is where I was lacking. I was so consumed with getting the “work” finished that I let my guard down and the enemy came in a way I had never experienced before. I was not on alert and I didn’t see the enemy for who he was. He went after my mind, my heart, my body and attacked who I was in Christ.
Ladies, this life is no game. Our life is a battle field and everyday is war. Be alert and watch with a careful eye. Pray for your sisters. Lean on others when you are weak. Find yourself that inner core of accountability partners to be your rear guard.
But more than all of that, stay in the Word and continue to Pray. Pray for wisdom and knowledge just like Solomon so you can lead people in the things of God.
What is on my heart to share with you is the battle that we have all gone through that enabled us to get to this point in time.
Ephesians 6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
I must admit, that until the past two years of my life, I truly did not understand the gravity of this scripture. I knew this scripture. I studied it and I quoted it. I taught on it. But it did not sink deep within my soul and in my heart until just recently.
I have watched my sisters, my team; my partners in this ministry go through great trials, problems, family issues, physical pain, great hurt and losses over the past few years. We have held each other and cried as we share each other’s burdens.
But what happens when people come against you or talk behind your back? What do you do when you work side by side with someone and you find out that they said some pretty nasty things about you? How do you handle it when a family member gets hurt or sick? Where do you go when obstacles come from the left and the right? Where do you run when you lost your job and you can’t pay the bills? How do you stay focused when distractions come to stop the work and divert your attention to something else?
You remember that none of this is a battle against flesh and blood. None of this is a battle against another human being. As scripture states, it is against the rulers, the authorities, the powers of the dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil. Now I know this is hard to comprehend at times but the Word of God is truth for our lives. It is the same yesterday, today and forever more. It is for us to apply to our lives TODAY. The Bible is to give us insight and direction on how we should walk and live.
We have been diligently working at the renovations in our new suite and we have been getting ready for our Grand Opening. During this time, I became very exhausted and depressed. Now if you know me, I am a woman who hits the ground running and doesn’t stop until I hit the bed at night. Exhaustion is not in my vocabulary. I have never experienced depression in my life and to be honest, I really didn’t know what it was. For weeks I pushed myself and told myself to keep going. I pushed my mind and my body to produce what I wanted it to produce. I cried to my husband and told him something was seriously wrong with me and I didn’t know what to do.
It wasn’t until I was sitting in my home church listening to my Pastor preach on Moses and the call that he had on his life that I realized this battle was not against flesh and blood. For me, this battle was something spiritual. This was a tactic from the enemy to stop the work in order that the doors of the Truth for Women Center would not open. WOW! I was shocked and I really didn’t know what to do. I had never been through something like this and I didn’t know how to handle it. How do I combat this? How do I get through it?
Well, the battle wasn’t mine to fight. I needed to go back to the text and follow the rest of the Scripture in Ephesians 6. “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted with the readiness that come from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.”
This is so powerful and it is meant for you and me. This is not just a Sunday School lesson for children but it is a message of warfare for you and me! We are soldiers in God’s army and we have a very real enemy. We have an enemy who wants to seek, kill and destroy. The life we live is no game, it is a war.
Because of who we are in Christ, we are able to stand firm and not be moved. We are able to know truth because we have the belt of truth around our waist. We are able to carry peace with us at all times. This is a MUST in the body of Christ. It breaks my heart to see Christians tearing down other Christians because they have different opinions. It grieves me to see Christians talk about each other and say it is ok because they are just sharing their heart and it is a safe place. It hurts to see churches working against each other rather than rallying together to bring souls into the Kingdom.
Does God take us to points in our lives where our faith is stretched? Absolutely. But He does this so our faith in Him can be tested and we can grow further in our relationship with Him.
Pray and always be alert. You see, this is where I was lacking. I was so consumed with getting the “work” finished that I let my guard down and the enemy came in a way I had never experienced before. I was not on alert and I didn’t see the enemy for who he was. He went after my mind, my heart, my body and attacked who I was in Christ.
Ladies, this life is no game. Our life is a battle field and everyday is war. Be alert and watch with a careful eye. Pray for your sisters. Lean on others when you are weak. Find yourself that inner core of accountability partners to be your rear guard.
But more than all of that, stay in the Word and continue to Pray. Pray for wisdom and knowledge just like Solomon so you can lead people in the things of God.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Dream Giver by Kim Checkeye

One of my favorite books is The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson. It was given to me by a very powerful woman many many years ago. If you have never read the book, let me briefly tell you about it.
It is a story about a Nobody named Ordinary. He lived in the Land of Familiar. Ordinary had a Big Dream so he decided to visit the Dream Giver but in order to do this, he had to leave the Land of Familiar and leave his comfort zone. He met many bullies along the way and he entered into The Wasteland. Many times he cried out to the Dream Giver but he heard no response. There were times when Ordinary felt like his dream was dead but the Dream Giver sent Faith to help him.
It is a story about a Nobody named Ordinary. He lived in the Land of Familiar. Ordinary had a Big Dream so he decided to visit the Dream Giver but in order to do this, he had to leave the Land of Familiar and leave his comfort zone. He met many bullies along the way and he entered into The Wasteland. Many times he cried out to the Dream Giver but he heard no response. There were times when Ordinary felt like his dream was dead but the Dream Giver sent Faith to help him.
The Nobodies came along and told Ordinary that what lay ahead was too hard and too difficult. But Ordinary pressed forward and his dream shone brighter than ever in his chest.
Ordinary had another dream. The Dream Giver asked him to come into His sanctuary. Ordinary climbed higher and higher as he followed a stream of living water. He heard the Dream Giver tell him to go to the water and then to come into the light. Ordinary obeyed but at one point in time, he could see into his heart and he was afraid. He saw things he had done, rebellion, selfishness and betrayal. He saw darkness and he cried out to the Dream Giver to give him light. The Dream Giver did and He asked Ordinary to come closer and to come higher.
Finally Ordinary got to the Land of Promise and he was overcome with happiness. His big dream was finally in reach. The Dream Giver spoke to Ordinary one more time and His words were “Give me your dream.”
Ordinary didn’t understand because the Dream Giver was the one who gave him that dream. So he questioned the Dream Giver. His response was “Yes. And now I am asking you to give it back.”
The book goes on to say how after much internal struggle, Ordinary surrendered the dream and in the end, the Dream Giver didn’t want it back, He just wanted to see if Ordinary cared more for the dream or more for the Dream Giver. After he surrendered the dream, it grew even bigger and he saw how it was part of the Dream Giver’s big dream for the world.
The book goes on to apply it to our lives and the dreams that God has given us. I highly recommend this book to all of you because God has a call on each of our lives and He has put a dream deep within your heart.
On September 11th, the Dream of Truth for Women will become a reality. It has been a dream that we have wanted so badly. We must be real and honest with ourselves that at times, we had to give the dream back to God because it was taking our focus off of Him.
There are days when we sit with women and we hear their life stories or we listen as they weep because they are going through some turmoil or crisis in their lives and our hearts break for them. We hold them as they cry in our arms or we pray for them for hope in God. We give them the Word of God because we know it is the only truth and hope for their lives. There are days when some of their stories do not leave us for weeks, months or maybe even years because they were so heart breaking.
God has put a dream within Truth for Women and for all of us who help lead this ministry. It is a dream of a place where a woman can go to receive the help that she needs whether it is resources, skills, Biblical truth or just needing someone to talk too. This dream is HUGE and the task is great. There are days when the work is overwhelming and seems like there is no way that it can ever be completed.
We have times when we desperately want to stay in the Land of Familiar and never get out of our comfort zones especially when the “bullies” and the “nobodies” come to tell us it can’t be done or to distract the work.
Yet, day after day, God made the dream brighter. God open doors and paths that no man could open. He made the connections; He put the desire deeper and deeper within.
Why am I telling you all this? For two reasons. One, you have a dream that God has given you. Don’t stop. Don’t give up! Keep moving forward and never let the dream become more important that your walk with God. Go dear one! Go and take the steps forward to see the dream become a reality.
Secondly, is to give glory an honor to God for He is mighty and absolutely amazing. He has brought Truth for Women to this point in time. He has done this great and mighty work and He has allowed us to be a part of it. Even though our hearts break for the women of the Lehigh Valley, His heart breaks even more. Even though we want to see women healed, transformed, helped and set in truth, He wants to see it even more!
Thank you Lord God Almighty for this amazing Dream that you have placed in our hearts. Thank you Father for allowing us to be a part of what You want to do here in the Lehigh Valley. Thank you for women who have put their hand to this ministry in the past, who currently help serve now and for those who are to come.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Have a Nice Day by Irene Gerontianos
Isaiah 41:13-14 “…for I myself will help you, declares the Lord…”
“You have cancer.” He said it as unemotional as one might say, “Have a nice day” when you’ve been handed a receipt after buying groceries. There was little time for me to comprehend what was happening before the doctor let out another little ditty, “Now, don’t you cry, I’m going to put a tube down your nose into your stomach!”
Don’t cry; don’t cry…what are you kidding me? You’ve just handed me a death sentence and you’re telling me not to cry! Was this really happening? Don’t I get a say in what you’re about to do? Hey wait a minute…what was that? Ohhhhhhhhhhh Noooooooooo….!!!!
He saved my life that young emergency room doctor. He had been in Iraq for two tours before coming to Bethlehem and taking up his residency here. He had seen enough combat duty to recognize a critical situation and to know that this was a matter of life and death. I had been vomiting for three and a half days; I was dehydrated and my electrolytes were way out of range. I was pale and weak with extremely low potassium levels. I was dying. Two days later I was on the operating room table as surgeons removed a tumor that was completely blocking my small intestines. But, they couldn’t get the “big” tumor; they said it was wrapped around the aorta and was three times the size of the smaller one. The surgeon said it would have been ‘catastrophic’ to try to remove it and I would have died on the table. “Tough luck, take care.” “Have a nice day.”
“There is no protocol for this type of tumor anywhere in the country,” the cancer specialist told me. “Nothing can be done; go home and get your affairs in order.” “No effective chemo for this type of cancer; no radiation. Nothing we can do but monitor the situation.…” just another day at the oncologist office. “Have a nice day.”
One of the things satan counts on is that we run scared when faced with insurmountable odds. One of the things I counted on was God. He was in the midst of all this and I knew that when I met that young emergency room doctor. Who gets a combat veteran in the ER except on TV?
Over the course of the next eleven months I went into spiritual battle …thirteen oncologists – fired! Surgeons relieved of duty! Doctors, hospitals, medicines eliminated! I’m telling you it was like Jericho; they just came tumbling down. Every corner I turned; every doctor I talked to; every research paper I read… wiped out! No cure, no treatment, no protocol, nothing, nowhere, no way! The battle was over…Have a nice day.
When a general surrenders in battle there’s a ceremony with much pomp and circumstance. You’ve seen it or at least heard about it. Officers come together and sign papers of surrender handing over their guns or swords or commands. Then each side retreats to their own camp to clean up and go home. Satan did just that… but God didn’t.
Ok, one more time around the insurance providers list…and there she was…a new doc in town from South Africa. Harvard and Yale educated, MD, Oncology, with a Ph capital D!!! A researcher; a foreigner, a brainiac…whoa momma could it be? I called, I went. Who gets a doctor from Harvard AND Yale?
She sent me to New York, to the Long Island Jewish Hospital to see a doctor, a doctor she went to Yale with, from overseas – chairman of surgery, chief of surgery. He took one look at my case and said, “I’ll try…” Who gets the chairman and chief of surgery?
“Wake up, wake up Irene,” they stood over me crying, my husband and my best friend, “They got it; they got it all…you’re cancer free.” Three months later I was back in a Bethlehem hospital with a breast tumor. A year later and there were three more tumors. Now I’m stable for two years. No new growths; tumors remain fixed and stable.
And so it goes, from one year to another, one scan to the next, one prayer at a time. He is directing my path and I’m writing to testify to someone reading this blog today. Life is difficult (John 16:33). God is in control (Psalm 54:4). Cast all your cares upon Him (1 Peter 5:6-8). And now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
And my personal favorite…
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40: 28-31)
And to those doctors and nurses and surgeons and oncologists who need to know all of above ways of the Lord? Well, I pray for them – a lot! I hope you will too.
Have a nice day!
“You have cancer.” He said it as unemotional as one might say, “Have a nice day” when you’ve been handed a receipt after buying groceries. There was little time for me to comprehend what was happening before the doctor let out another little ditty, “Now, don’t you cry, I’m going to put a tube down your nose into your stomach!”
Don’t cry; don’t cry…what are you kidding me? You’ve just handed me a death sentence and you’re telling me not to cry! Was this really happening? Don’t I get a say in what you’re about to do? Hey wait a minute…what was that? Ohhhhhhhhhhh Noooooooooo….!!!!
He saved my life that young emergency room doctor. He had been in Iraq for two tours before coming to Bethlehem and taking up his residency here. He had seen enough combat duty to recognize a critical situation and to know that this was a matter of life and death. I had been vomiting for three and a half days; I was dehydrated and my electrolytes were way out of range. I was pale and weak with extremely low potassium levels. I was dying. Two days later I was on the operating room table as surgeons removed a tumor that was completely blocking my small intestines. But, they couldn’t get the “big” tumor; they said it was wrapped around the aorta and was three times the size of the smaller one. The surgeon said it would have been ‘catastrophic’ to try to remove it and I would have died on the table. “Tough luck, take care.” “Have a nice day.”
“There is no protocol for this type of tumor anywhere in the country,” the cancer specialist told me. “Nothing can be done; go home and get your affairs in order.” “No effective chemo for this type of cancer; no radiation. Nothing we can do but monitor the situation.…” just another day at the oncologist office. “Have a nice day.”
One of the things satan counts on is that we run scared when faced with insurmountable odds. One of the things I counted on was God. He was in the midst of all this and I knew that when I met that young emergency room doctor. Who gets a combat veteran in the ER except on TV?
Over the course of the next eleven months I went into spiritual battle …thirteen oncologists – fired! Surgeons relieved of duty! Doctors, hospitals, medicines eliminated! I’m telling you it was like Jericho; they just came tumbling down. Every corner I turned; every doctor I talked to; every research paper I read… wiped out! No cure, no treatment, no protocol, nothing, nowhere, no way! The battle was over…Have a nice day.
When a general surrenders in battle there’s a ceremony with much pomp and circumstance. You’ve seen it or at least heard about it. Officers come together and sign papers of surrender handing over their guns or swords or commands. Then each side retreats to their own camp to clean up and go home. Satan did just that… but God didn’t.
Ok, one more time around the insurance providers list…and there she was…a new doc in town from South Africa. Harvard and Yale educated, MD, Oncology, with a Ph capital D!!! A researcher; a foreigner, a brainiac…whoa momma could it be? I called, I went. Who gets a doctor from Harvard AND Yale?
She sent me to New York, to the Long Island Jewish Hospital to see a doctor, a doctor she went to Yale with, from overseas – chairman of surgery, chief of surgery. He took one look at my case and said, “I’ll try…” Who gets the chairman and chief of surgery?
“Wake up, wake up Irene,” they stood over me crying, my husband and my best friend, “They got it; they got it all…you’re cancer free.” Three months later I was back in a Bethlehem hospital with a breast tumor. A year later and there were three more tumors. Now I’m stable for two years. No new growths; tumors remain fixed and stable.
And so it goes, from one year to another, one scan to the next, one prayer at a time. He is directing my path and I’m writing to testify to someone reading this blog today. Life is difficult (John 16:33). God is in control (Psalm 54:4). Cast all your cares upon Him (1 Peter 5:6-8). And now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
And my personal favorite…
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40: 28-31)
And to those doctors and nurses and surgeons and oncologists who need to know all of above ways of the Lord? Well, I pray for them – a lot! I hope you will too.
Have a nice day!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Patience and Obedience go Hand in Hand by Kim Checkeye
Do you ever wake up with a heavy heart? This morning I awoke and my heart is much burdened. Sometimes when this happens, I have no idea why I am so burdened. This morning I know why but what can I do about it? As we all know, I can pray and intercede to God but if you are a doer like me, I want to do something about it. Now, this is a lesson that God is working with me! He is trying to teach me patience and that there are times when I am to do nothing but trust in Him. At times, this is very difficult for me because I want to step in and fix things.
Well, this morning I got knocked upside the head! Don’t you just love it when God does that to you? I taught a Bible study at my old church for many years and we had a saying. First we would say “It was like God hit me with a 2 by 4.” It progressed to various things like “God dropped a wall on me to God dropped a house on me” until one of the ladies really had a precious moment with the Lord and she mightily exclaimed “Forget the 2 by 4, Forget the house, God dropped a whole development on me!” For me, this is one of those moments!
I am reading and studying about the leadership styles of King Saul and Samuel in the Old Testament. The Israelites were crying out that they wanted a King just like all the other nations. (As a teacher, I desperately want to stop here and go off on a tangent but that is for another day. What I will say is parallel Israel’s cry for a King to the United States crying out for a leadership who will mend things. Very interesting!)
God gave them their desire even though He knew the outcome. The people rejected God even after all that He had done for them. God gave them what they wanted but clearly told them what the new King was going to do and what he was going to be like. God warned them but they did not listen.
God appointed Saul as the King over the Israelites and when it came time to bring him before the congregation, Saul hid. Saul knew he was to be the King but he hid himself among the baggage. Why would he do that? Some commentaries say that Saul was running from his responsibilities or afraid of failing so he hid. I like to think of it this way: Saul was a humble man at that point in time so he did not feel worthy of being the King. But then I have to ask myself “If Saul was a humble man, then how in the world did he turn out the way he did?” The answer is very clear.
The Israelites had become an abomination to the Philistines because Jonathan (Saul’s son) attached the garrison of the Philistines that was in Geba. The people became terrified and were trembling. The Prophet Samuel told Saul to wait seven days for him to return to do the sacrifice. When Saul saw that the Philistines were closing in and that the people were full of fear, he decided to take matters into his own hands. Samuel told him to wait seven days but because Samuel did not return when Saul “expected” him on that seventh day, Saul decided to fix it himself.
You know the rest of the story. Saul offered a burnt offering and a fellowship offering but the Lord rejected it. Saul was trying to do the right thing by offering a sacrifice to God before going into battle but he was going against God’s laws and against the specific instruction of Samuel.
Saul was under great pressure and during this time, his true character was revealed. He disobeyed God and this became the downfall in his life. This is where you can see that he began to change from that humble man hiding behind the baggage to a man full of himself and pride.
Saul had a goal that he wanted to accomplish. He wanted to win the battle. However, the methods he used to attempt to attain this goal were not true to God’s standard.
I think about how many leaders, Pastors, friends, family members, elders, deacons, presidents of ministries and list goes on who have taken matters into their own hands because somehow pride snuck in and it literally began to destroy them. I have seen many good, loving and humble people see a problem and they want to fix it but they end up so focused on the goal that they will do anything to attain it. Even if it means cutting corners or handling things in an ungodly manner.
What does this mean for you and me? Be careful! Watch your heart closely. Do not let any seed of pride come in. Constantly take every thought, idea and task captive to the Word of God. Make sure everything you do lines up with the God’s truth. When you see this stuff, remove it immediately, repent and ask for forgiveness. Ask God to help you not to allow these things in. We all struggle with this. The key is what you are going to do about it when you see it.
As you know, the goal of Truth for Women is to open Phase One of The Women’s Center on September 11th. Why? Because this is something God put in the heart of one woman 10 years ago and now He has called a group of women to accomplish this goal. We go after this goal because our hearts break for the women in the Lehigh Valley. We weep because there are so many women who are lost, hurting and live every day in hopelessness. We encounter woman after woman who tell us their stories and it takes us to our knees to want to help them and intercede on their behalf. We wake up in the middle of the night with a burden so strong that it hurts in our bodies.
BUT we must at all times obey and follow the Lord. We know that the enemy is a prowling lion looking for his way to get a foothold into this ministry so the God given dream can be stopped. We know that he attempts to stop the work by sending in distractions so we are not fully committed to the goal.
What can you do? Pray for us daily. Pray that we see all things with our spiritual eyes. Pray for discernment and wisdom beyond our years. Join us in this journey to attain the goal that God has set before us. Pray that at all times we wait on the Lord for His perfect timing. Link arms with us so we can become an unstoppable force.
Well, this morning I got knocked upside the head! Don’t you just love it when God does that to you? I taught a Bible study at my old church for many years and we had a saying. First we would say “It was like God hit me with a 2 by 4.” It progressed to various things like “God dropped a wall on me to God dropped a house on me” until one of the ladies really had a precious moment with the Lord and she mightily exclaimed “Forget the 2 by 4, Forget the house, God dropped a whole development on me!” For me, this is one of those moments!
I am reading and studying about the leadership styles of King Saul and Samuel in the Old Testament. The Israelites were crying out that they wanted a King just like all the other nations. (As a teacher, I desperately want to stop here and go off on a tangent but that is for another day. What I will say is parallel Israel’s cry for a King to the United States crying out for a leadership who will mend things. Very interesting!)
God gave them their desire even though He knew the outcome. The people rejected God even after all that He had done for them. God gave them what they wanted but clearly told them what the new King was going to do and what he was going to be like. God warned them but they did not listen.
God appointed Saul as the King over the Israelites and when it came time to bring him before the congregation, Saul hid. Saul knew he was to be the King but he hid himself among the baggage. Why would he do that? Some commentaries say that Saul was running from his responsibilities or afraid of failing so he hid. I like to think of it this way: Saul was a humble man at that point in time so he did not feel worthy of being the King. But then I have to ask myself “If Saul was a humble man, then how in the world did he turn out the way he did?” The answer is very clear.
The Israelites had become an abomination to the Philistines because Jonathan (Saul’s son) attached the garrison of the Philistines that was in Geba. The people became terrified and were trembling. The Prophet Samuel told Saul to wait seven days for him to return to do the sacrifice. When Saul saw that the Philistines were closing in and that the people were full of fear, he decided to take matters into his own hands. Samuel told him to wait seven days but because Samuel did not return when Saul “expected” him on that seventh day, Saul decided to fix it himself.
You know the rest of the story. Saul offered a burnt offering and a fellowship offering but the Lord rejected it. Saul was trying to do the right thing by offering a sacrifice to God before going into battle but he was going against God’s laws and against the specific instruction of Samuel.
Saul was under great pressure and during this time, his true character was revealed. He disobeyed God and this became the downfall in his life. This is where you can see that he began to change from that humble man hiding behind the baggage to a man full of himself and pride.
Saul had a goal that he wanted to accomplish. He wanted to win the battle. However, the methods he used to attempt to attain this goal were not true to God’s standard.
I think about how many leaders, Pastors, friends, family members, elders, deacons, presidents of ministries and list goes on who have taken matters into their own hands because somehow pride snuck in and it literally began to destroy them. I have seen many good, loving and humble people see a problem and they want to fix it but they end up so focused on the goal that they will do anything to attain it. Even if it means cutting corners or handling things in an ungodly manner.
What does this mean for you and me? Be careful! Watch your heart closely. Do not let any seed of pride come in. Constantly take every thought, idea and task captive to the Word of God. Make sure everything you do lines up with the God’s truth. When you see this stuff, remove it immediately, repent and ask for forgiveness. Ask God to help you not to allow these things in. We all struggle with this. The key is what you are going to do about it when you see it.
As you know, the goal of Truth for Women is to open Phase One of The Women’s Center on September 11th. Why? Because this is something God put in the heart of one woman 10 years ago and now He has called a group of women to accomplish this goal. We go after this goal because our hearts break for the women in the Lehigh Valley. We weep because there are so many women who are lost, hurting and live every day in hopelessness. We encounter woman after woman who tell us their stories and it takes us to our knees to want to help them and intercede on their behalf. We wake up in the middle of the night with a burden so strong that it hurts in our bodies.
BUT we must at all times obey and follow the Lord. We know that the enemy is a prowling lion looking for his way to get a foothold into this ministry so the God given dream can be stopped. We know that he attempts to stop the work by sending in distractions so we are not fully committed to the goal.
What can you do? Pray for us daily. Pray that we see all things with our spiritual eyes. Pray for discernment and wisdom beyond our years. Join us in this journey to attain the goal that God has set before us. Pray that at all times we wait on the Lord for His perfect timing. Link arms with us so we can become an unstoppable force.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Who's Answering? by Eileen Alpaugh
“Would you do me a favor?” Depending on who’s doing the asking we may respond quite differently. To our closest friend we immediately answer, “Sure, what do you need?” Without hesitation or need of further explanation, anything within our power or possession becomes instantly at their disposal. To the one who has asked more than their share of favors and has seldom responded in kind we may be a bit less enthusiastic, “Why, what do you want?” We cautiously withhold our answer to evaluate the cost. Hopefully we have more of the first kind of relationships than the second. What a great gift and comfort to know there are those you can call upon regardless of the time of day or gravity of situation. Even greater is the honor of being known as the kind of friend who will be there in any time of need. This kind of reputation is one that is built over time, tested in a variety of circumstances and once it is earned never has to be proven again.
How do you respond to God? Has He been given the honored standing of one to whom you will respond quickly and without reservation or do you withhold your answer to calculate the cost? Has He proven Himself to you time and time again only to be met with hesitancy upon each request? Or has His faithfulness been repeatedly proven giving you the assurance you need to be able to trust in spite of what your natural mind can comprehend?
How does God responds to us? Before we knew we had a need, He provided the solution. While we are yet calling, He answers. He gives above and beyond all that we could ask think or imagine. He bends low to hear our requests. Ask of God, “Will you do me a favor?” His answer is always, “My child, I already have.”
Truth for Women is in a season of asking, “Will you do me a favor?” As we prepare to open the Women’s Center, a dream and vision of the past 10 years quite honestly we need favors. Many of you who have had the privilege of being involved with us will undoubtedly answer positively and without hesitation to the best of your ability. Those of you who are new friends may want to spend some time on our website, getting to know us a little better before making an offer. Perhaps you’d like to schedule an appointment to meet with us and see first hand what God is doing on behalf of the women of the Lehigh Valley.
We are certain that God has heard our prayers to provide workers, supplies, and finances. His answer to us is, “My daughters, I already have.” Are you someone God is inspiring to be instrumental in His answer? I trust your answer to Him will be that of how you would answer your closest friend.
For further reading:
Psalm 86:7
Psalm 116:2
Romans 5:8
Ephesians 1
How do you respond to God? Has He been given the honored standing of one to whom you will respond quickly and without reservation or do you withhold your answer to calculate the cost? Has He proven Himself to you time and time again only to be met with hesitancy upon each request? Or has His faithfulness been repeatedly proven giving you the assurance you need to be able to trust in spite of what your natural mind can comprehend?
How does God responds to us? Before we knew we had a need, He provided the solution. While we are yet calling, He answers. He gives above and beyond all that we could ask think or imagine. He bends low to hear our requests. Ask of God, “Will you do me a favor?” His answer is always, “My child, I already have.”
Truth for Women is in a season of asking, “Will you do me a favor?” As we prepare to open the Women’s Center, a dream and vision of the past 10 years quite honestly we need favors. Many of you who have had the privilege of being involved with us will undoubtedly answer positively and without hesitation to the best of your ability. Those of you who are new friends may want to spend some time on our website, getting to know us a little better before making an offer. Perhaps you’d like to schedule an appointment to meet with us and see first hand what God is doing on behalf of the women of the Lehigh Valley.
We are certain that God has heard our prayers to provide workers, supplies, and finances. His answer to us is, “My daughters, I already have.” Are you someone God is inspiring to be instrumental in His answer? I trust your answer to Him will be that of how you would answer your closest friend.
For further reading:
Psalm 86:7
Psalm 116:2
Romans 5:8
Ephesians 1
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Crossroads by Kim Checkeye
I have been studying the book of Joshua and I have seen things in this amazing chapter that I have never seen before. I love when you open the Word of God and you begin to experience the words like never before. There are times when you read a passage that you have read a hundred times yet all of a sudden, you see something that you hadn’t seen before and it just so happens to fit what you are going through in life.
I have enjoyed watching and learning the leadership styles of Moses and Joshua. Both are so very different from one another and yet each one served their purpose based on where the Israelites were going. Moses was patient, diplomatic and had a reform leadership style which was needed in order to bring the Israelites out of Egypt, walk through the wilderness for 40 years and set the foundations for the future of the nation.
However, when they needed to go into the promise land, a new leadership style was needed. Joshua was a military leader and had the attitude to whatever it would take to follow the Lord. He was willing to do whatever it would take in order to get the job done and he took risks especially when it came to a time of war.
Was either leadership style wrong? No. Was both styles needed? Yes. It was all about God’s timing.
But what amazed me the most in the book of Joshua was how many times the Lord said to Joshua “do not turn from it to the right or to the left…” God wanted Joshua to listen to His voice and His command alone and not turn to the right or the left but follow only the path that He had for him.
Joshua was about to lead the Israelites into a place “that they have not passed this way before.”(Joshua 3:4) They were about to head into a land that was promised to them but they had never been this way before. Joshua had to rely on the Lord alone in order to know where to go and how to do it.
Many of us find ourselves at a crossroads in life and we just don’t know which way to turn. Most of the time the one path looks bright and sunny because it is the path of comfort. It is the path we always take. It is the path we have always known.
The other path seems dark and there is a sharp turn ahead that we can’t see past. We tell ourselves that this can’t be the path that the Lord wants us to take because we have not been this way before. It looks scary and it might mean change which could mean pain! This just can’t be the path the Lord would want us to take! But in all reality, the Lord is at the end of that path and His hands are outstretched forth to us.
Jehovah–Rapha (the Lord who heals) is standing and waiting for us at the end of that path. But what does Jehovah-Rapha heal? As you study the word of God, it shows you time and time again how and what the Lord heals. It teaches us that He is the great physician and that He pours the balm of Gilead on our wounds.
We see that He heals our physical needs, our emotional needs, our spiritual needs, our hurts, our pains and even our warped thinking. We see that He heals the land, restores our health, restores us to God, He heals the broken hearted and binds up our wounds.
We see that He pardons our iniquities and heals our diseases. He cast out spirits and healed the ill. He healed the blind and set free the downtrodden. By His wounds we are healed.
When you study the name Jehovah- Rapha you see that sometimes God lead the people to the place of healing when they didn’t even know they needed to be healed or He lead them to a place so they could be healed and yet it was painful to get to that place.
Could God be asking you to go to a place that you have never been before in order for Him to mold and change you so you can become the woman He needs you to be for the call on your life? Maybe, just maybe, you are at a crossroad in your life and you desperately want to take the “normal” path that you always take but you are sensing deep within that it is time to take the path less traveled. Could it be that God wants to use your unique leadership ability to lead others into a war that could free their soul?
My question to you is “Which path are you going to take?”
I have enjoyed watching and learning the leadership styles of Moses and Joshua. Both are so very different from one another and yet each one served their purpose based on where the Israelites were going. Moses was patient, diplomatic and had a reform leadership style which was needed in order to bring the Israelites out of Egypt, walk through the wilderness for 40 years and set the foundations for the future of the nation.
However, when they needed to go into the promise land, a new leadership style was needed. Joshua was a military leader and had the attitude to whatever it would take to follow the Lord. He was willing to do whatever it would take in order to get the job done and he took risks especially when it came to a time of war.
Was either leadership style wrong? No. Was both styles needed? Yes. It was all about God’s timing.
But what amazed me the most in the book of Joshua was how many times the Lord said to Joshua “do not turn from it to the right or to the left…” God wanted Joshua to listen to His voice and His command alone and not turn to the right or the left but follow only the path that He had for him.
Joshua was about to lead the Israelites into a place “that they have not passed this way before.”(Joshua 3:4) They were about to head into a land that was promised to them but they had never been this way before. Joshua had to rely on the Lord alone in order to know where to go and how to do it.
Many of us find ourselves at a crossroads in life and we just don’t know which way to turn. Most of the time the one path looks bright and sunny because it is the path of comfort. It is the path we always take. It is the path we have always known.
The other path seems dark and there is a sharp turn ahead that we can’t see past. We tell ourselves that this can’t be the path that the Lord wants us to take because we have not been this way before. It looks scary and it might mean change which could mean pain! This just can’t be the path the Lord would want us to take! But in all reality, the Lord is at the end of that path and His hands are outstretched forth to us.
Jehovah–Rapha (the Lord who heals) is standing and waiting for us at the end of that path. But what does Jehovah-Rapha heal? As you study the word of God, it shows you time and time again how and what the Lord heals. It teaches us that He is the great physician and that He pours the balm of Gilead on our wounds.
We see that He heals our physical needs, our emotional needs, our spiritual needs, our hurts, our pains and even our warped thinking. We see that He heals the land, restores our health, restores us to God, He heals the broken hearted and binds up our wounds.
We see that He pardons our iniquities and heals our diseases. He cast out spirits and healed the ill. He healed the blind and set free the downtrodden. By His wounds we are healed.
When you study the name Jehovah- Rapha you see that sometimes God lead the people to the place of healing when they didn’t even know they needed to be healed or He lead them to a place so they could be healed and yet it was painful to get to that place.
Could God be asking you to go to a place that you have never been before in order for Him to mold and change you so you can become the woman He needs you to be for the call on your life? Maybe, just maybe, you are at a crossroad in your life and you desperately want to take the “normal” path that you always take but you are sensing deep within that it is time to take the path less traveled. Could it be that God wants to use your unique leadership ability to lead others into a war that could free their soul?
My question to you is “Which path are you going to take?”

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Lessons in Leadership Two and Three by Kim Checkeye
Last week, I posted a blog about lessons in leadership from the John C. Maxwell leadership Bible. In the Introduction of Deuteronomy, he lists eight lessons in leadership. We discussed the first lesson: Develop your core values and beliefs before taking new territory.
What I love about these eight lessons is that each one of them builds off each other. As you develop your core values and beliefs before you take new territory, you begin to build the foundation for the remaining seven lessons in leadership.
Lesson two: Leadership must be proactive, not reactive.
Definition of reactive is tending to be responsive or to react to a stimulus.
Definition of stimulus: An agent, an action, or a condition that elicits or accelerates a physiological or psychological activity or response.
Definition of proactive: Acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty.
Now I don’t know about you, but as a woman who has emotions, there are many different things that can stimulate me which cause me to react!
However, as a leader, we must learn not to react on these emotions because if we do, we can respond in a manner that is not appropriate. No matter who we are leading, we need to make sure that we are not reacting to situations out of emotions or something that has gotten under our skin. This is whether we are leading our children, in the job force, in ministry, in church etc.
There are many leaders out there leading by reacting to what is coming at them rather than going on the proactive side and begin to act in advance to deal with the expected difficulty.
We all have those times when things come at us that we don’t foresee or have any clue what is around the corner. As a leader, these are the most critical times for us to learn how to be proactive rather than reactive. Will things come along that will attempt to distract us or throw us off track? You bet. But as we grow in leadership, we can begin to grow in how we respond and making sure that we are not losing sight of the goal.
Lesson three: Activity does not equal accomplishment.
WOW! Now this one could be a touchy subject. Have you ever met someone who has their hands in so many different places that they are so busy that they are ineffective? They have many wonderful ideas but because they have themselves stretched so thin, none of the areas they are leading is effective? How does this happen? We get caught up in activities or these “good” things that they distract us from what God is asking us to do.
In leadership, we have a job to do. For each one of us, that goal is different. The focus is different. But we must be like a trained solider who has been given a mission and task to complete. No matter what comes at him, he must complete the goal. Many things may come to distract him or make him busy but nothing can take his focus off the goal. Why? Because it puts him in danger along with everyone else around him. Plus, it takes his focus off the goal.
I encourage you today to not let your emotions get the best of you so you react to things but that you take a proactive stance to focus on the goals ahead and not allow yourself to be distracted.
What I love about these eight lessons is that each one of them builds off each other. As you develop your core values and beliefs before you take new territory, you begin to build the foundation for the remaining seven lessons in leadership.
Lesson two: Leadership must be proactive, not reactive.
Definition of reactive is tending to be responsive or to react to a stimulus.
Definition of stimulus: An agent, an action, or a condition that elicits or accelerates a physiological or psychological activity or response.
Definition of proactive: Acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty.
Now I don’t know about you, but as a woman who has emotions, there are many different things that can stimulate me which cause me to react!
However, as a leader, we must learn not to react on these emotions because if we do, we can respond in a manner that is not appropriate. No matter who we are leading, we need to make sure that we are not reacting to situations out of emotions or something that has gotten under our skin. This is whether we are leading our children, in the job force, in ministry, in church etc.
There are many leaders out there leading by reacting to what is coming at them rather than going on the proactive side and begin to act in advance to deal with the expected difficulty.
We all have those times when things come at us that we don’t foresee or have any clue what is around the corner. As a leader, these are the most critical times for us to learn how to be proactive rather than reactive. Will things come along that will attempt to distract us or throw us off track? You bet. But as we grow in leadership, we can begin to grow in how we respond and making sure that we are not losing sight of the goal.
Lesson three: Activity does not equal accomplishment.
WOW! Now this one could be a touchy subject. Have you ever met someone who has their hands in so many different places that they are so busy that they are ineffective? They have many wonderful ideas but because they have themselves stretched so thin, none of the areas they are leading is effective? How does this happen? We get caught up in activities or these “good” things that they distract us from what God is asking us to do.
In leadership, we have a job to do. For each one of us, that goal is different. The focus is different. But we must be like a trained solider who has been given a mission and task to complete. No matter what comes at him, he must complete the goal. Many things may come to distract him or make him busy but nothing can take his focus off the goal. Why? Because it puts him in danger along with everyone else around him. Plus, it takes his focus off the goal.
I encourage you today to not let your emotions get the best of you so you react to things but that you take a proactive stance to focus on the goals ahead and not allow yourself to be distracted.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Lessons in Leadership by Kim Checkeye
A friend of mine bought me a John Maxwell Leadership Bible for Christmas and I love it. I love to read about Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Peter etc. and hear how they were leaders and how God grew their leadership abilities.
As many of you know, Truth for Women is opening The Women’s Center Lehigh Valley on September 11th. The ministry is about to go down a road that we have never been before. I have been reading about the Israelites on their journey to the Promise Land and I have seen it in a whole new light comparing it to Truth for Women embarking on the promise of The Women’s Center.
I am about to go into Deuteronomy and in the introduction, John Maxwell gives eight lessons in leadership that I would like to share with you. Each one is so powerful and is a huge teaching moment. Each one is something to chew on and learn from. I will take them one at a time and continue to post them every couple of days in this blog.
The first lesson in leadership is: Develop your core values and beliefs before taking new territory.
For any leader, this is something that is very important on a daily basis but when God is about to take you into new territory, it is a must. I know for TFW, as we are about to enter into the new territory of The Women’s Center, it is critical for us to establish “filters” for every area of the ministry. We have a new board member and she is graciously teaching us how to do this and how to set the standards.
It is important as leaders that when we are about to embark on new territory that we set these filters in place so that every person, every thought, every task, every assignment, every program gets funneled through these filters.
Whether you realize it or not, each one of you is a leader. Maybe it is your family, work place, church, support groups, friends etc. but each one of you led someone. In all reality, you led more people than you think.
As God opens doors for you to embark on new territory, maybe a job, a new friendship, a new program at church, a new ministry, heading up something at school, whatever it may be, make sure you have your core values and beliefs set before you take that territory. Why? Because those are the areas that are going to be shaken. Those are the areas that are going to be tested. Those are the areas that are going to be your filters for everything that you do.
I have seen time and time again, leaders fall into the game of pride. Why? Because they enter into new territory, they get puffed up and they begin to forget and hold onto those core values and beliefs. Somehow the core values and beliefs get pushed aside and the focus begins to be “it’s all about me” rather than focusing on the goal.
As God opens the doors, before you walk in, get your heart and mind set on the things of God so you will not be shaken. Get your core values and beliefs set so you can take the new territory and excel.
As many of you know, Truth for Women is opening The Women’s Center Lehigh Valley on September 11th. The ministry is about to go down a road that we have never been before. I have been reading about the Israelites on their journey to the Promise Land and I have seen it in a whole new light comparing it to Truth for Women embarking on the promise of The Women’s Center.
I am about to go into Deuteronomy and in the introduction, John Maxwell gives eight lessons in leadership that I would like to share with you. Each one is so powerful and is a huge teaching moment. Each one is something to chew on and learn from. I will take them one at a time and continue to post them every couple of days in this blog.
The first lesson in leadership is: Develop your core values and beliefs before taking new territory.
For any leader, this is something that is very important on a daily basis but when God is about to take you into new territory, it is a must. I know for TFW, as we are about to enter into the new territory of The Women’s Center, it is critical for us to establish “filters” for every area of the ministry. We have a new board member and she is graciously teaching us how to do this and how to set the standards.
It is important as leaders that when we are about to embark on new territory that we set these filters in place so that every person, every thought, every task, every assignment, every program gets funneled through these filters.
Whether you realize it or not, each one of you is a leader. Maybe it is your family, work place, church, support groups, friends etc. but each one of you led someone. In all reality, you led more people than you think.
As God opens doors for you to embark on new territory, maybe a job, a new friendship, a new program at church, a new ministry, heading up something at school, whatever it may be, make sure you have your core values and beliefs set before you take that territory. Why? Because those are the areas that are going to be shaken. Those are the areas that are going to be tested. Those are the areas that are going to be your filters for everything that you do.
I have seen time and time again, leaders fall into the game of pride. Why? Because they enter into new territory, they get puffed up and they begin to forget and hold onto those core values and beliefs. Somehow the core values and beliefs get pushed aside and the focus begins to be “it’s all about me” rather than focusing on the goal.
As God opens the doors, before you walk in, get your heart and mind set on the things of God so you will not be shaken. Get your core values and beliefs set so you can take the new territory and excel.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Mother's Day by Kim Checkeye
I lost my mother when I was 19 years old and I use to hate Mother’s Day. I longed for my mother deeply and I felt like I was missing such a huge hole in my life. I watched my girlfriends have coffee with their mothers or go shopping or take long walks and I would get very jealous. I remember times when I would just jump in the car and go to my mother’s grave and weep at her gravestone. I often felt betrayed because I was missing out on something every person should have in life.
After I had my first daughter Hannah, I remember thinking that this would be the perfect Mother’s Day ever. It was my first year as being a mom and all those pains would just disappear into the night. Yeah right! Day by day I grew more miserable and angrier as the days got closer to Mother’s Day.
I remember one particular Mother’s Day that I am ashamed to talk about but it became a life changing event for me. I was a mother of two precious little girls who had been working very hard on their presents for me with their tiny little hands. The day had finally come and my girls were so filled of excitement. They gave me their presents and laughed with joy at their hard work. I thanked them gratefully but within my heart I was so full of anger. Finally, I had enough and I ran out of the house in tears with my bundles of joy chasing after me crying to come back because it was Mother’s Day. I took off and ended up at a green house buying flowers to plant in my flower beds. I was angry and so full of pain that I was crying out to God to just take it all away. Why, why did I have to lose my mother? Why couldn’t she have been with me at my wedding, when we bought our house, the birth of my children, when I was sick etc.?
As the anger inside of me was swelling up to overflowing, that soft still voice spoke out and reminded me that I was so focused on the past, that I wasn’t even seeing what I had right in front of me. I was so angry inside that I was missing out on two precious daughters whom it was my job and responsibility to raise. I was missing out on life with them because of pain and hurt. I had beautiful relationships with women I truly adored but I was not even recognizing them because of the anger. I had two women in particular that God had given me as Spiritual mothers to raise me in the things of God but I was so focused on me that I couldn’t even see the gifts that God had given me. I had younger women in my life who were looking to me to be their mentor but instead of grasping their friendship, I was focused on ME. I was so focused on me that I could not see anything or anyone else around me.
That day my life was changed forever. That day I saw a whole new glimpse of healing that I never saw before. I had a choice. To focus on the past or to focus on the future of what God had given me. To focus on my own feelings, emotions, pains or to focus on others.
Now, I love Mother’s Day! I love to celebrate it with my girls and focus on the amazing women that God has placed in my life. I love to celebrate the gifts of women that God has given me to hold deep within my heart.
Remember ladies, Mother’s Day is not about us, but has everything to do about those around us. It is not a day about honoring us for the things that God has called us to do for our families but it is a day about celebrating the beautiful blessings of children, friends and family that are around us.
As women, we wear many different hats in our daily walk. We are a chef, taxi driver, accountant, wife, daughter, friend, doctor, counselor and the list goes on. But the “hat” that touches our heart to the core is the one of being a mother. Now I know there are days when our children, no matter what the age, drive us absolutely crazy and we think that at any given moment we will lose our minds but in all reality, there is no greater gift that God could have possibly given us than the gift of being a mom.
Some of us may have never had children but we have had the opportunity to come along side of another woman and feed into her life. Sometimes God gives us spiritual children that literally become our own because they have found a place in our heart so deep.
Whether we have children from our own flesh and blood, children by adoption, fostering a child or being a spiritual mother, each is a gift and that gift comes with great responsibility. It is our job to instill certain things along the way. We are to show them love and we are to be a safe haven. We are to show them kindness, grace and mercy but we are also called to show them how to respect, do unto others and to have a servant’s heart. We are called to train them in the things of God and to teach His Word. We are to set an example for our children so they can follow our model as Godly individuals. Do we make mistakes? We sure do but what better example to show our children than to fall on our face and ask forgiveness when we mess up. What a wonderful opportunity to show them how to go to the Savior and bow before Him. But not only that, what an example to set for our children when we act wrongly towards them and we ask them for forgiveness.
I challenge all you ladies out there who are mothers, mentors, spiritual mothers, friends etc. to live in today and not the yesterdays. To be thankful for the here and now and not the “what should of been.” To be focused on the gifts you have been given and your future rather than the hurts and pains of the past. You have choices to make. Focus on the past or focus on the future. Focus on yourself or those around you. What will you choose?
After I had my first daughter Hannah, I remember thinking that this would be the perfect Mother’s Day ever. It was my first year as being a mom and all those pains would just disappear into the night. Yeah right! Day by day I grew more miserable and angrier as the days got closer to Mother’s Day.
I remember one particular Mother’s Day that I am ashamed to talk about but it became a life changing event for me. I was a mother of two precious little girls who had been working very hard on their presents for me with their tiny little hands. The day had finally come and my girls were so filled of excitement. They gave me their presents and laughed with joy at their hard work. I thanked them gratefully but within my heart I was so full of anger. Finally, I had enough and I ran out of the house in tears with my bundles of joy chasing after me crying to come back because it was Mother’s Day. I took off and ended up at a green house buying flowers to plant in my flower beds. I was angry and so full of pain that I was crying out to God to just take it all away. Why, why did I have to lose my mother? Why couldn’t she have been with me at my wedding, when we bought our house, the birth of my children, when I was sick etc.?
As the anger inside of me was swelling up to overflowing, that soft still voice spoke out and reminded me that I was so focused on the past, that I wasn’t even seeing what I had right in front of me. I was so angry inside that I was missing out on two precious daughters whom it was my job and responsibility to raise. I was missing out on life with them because of pain and hurt. I had beautiful relationships with women I truly adored but I was not even recognizing them because of the anger. I had two women in particular that God had given me as Spiritual mothers to raise me in the things of God but I was so focused on me that I couldn’t even see the gifts that God had given me. I had younger women in my life who were looking to me to be their mentor but instead of grasping their friendship, I was focused on ME. I was so focused on me that I could not see anything or anyone else around me.
That day my life was changed forever. That day I saw a whole new glimpse of healing that I never saw before. I had a choice. To focus on the past or to focus on the future of what God had given me. To focus on my own feelings, emotions, pains or to focus on others.
Now, I love Mother’s Day! I love to celebrate it with my girls and focus on the amazing women that God has placed in my life. I love to celebrate the gifts of women that God has given me to hold deep within my heart.
Remember ladies, Mother’s Day is not about us, but has everything to do about those around us. It is not a day about honoring us for the things that God has called us to do for our families but it is a day about celebrating the beautiful blessings of children, friends and family that are around us.
As women, we wear many different hats in our daily walk. We are a chef, taxi driver, accountant, wife, daughter, friend, doctor, counselor and the list goes on. But the “hat” that touches our heart to the core is the one of being a mother. Now I know there are days when our children, no matter what the age, drive us absolutely crazy and we think that at any given moment we will lose our minds but in all reality, there is no greater gift that God could have possibly given us than the gift of being a mom.
Some of us may have never had children but we have had the opportunity to come along side of another woman and feed into her life. Sometimes God gives us spiritual children that literally become our own because they have found a place in our heart so deep.
Whether we have children from our own flesh and blood, children by adoption, fostering a child or being a spiritual mother, each is a gift and that gift comes with great responsibility. It is our job to instill certain things along the way. We are to show them love and we are to be a safe haven. We are to show them kindness, grace and mercy but we are also called to show them how to respect, do unto others and to have a servant’s heart. We are called to train them in the things of God and to teach His Word. We are to set an example for our children so they can follow our model as Godly individuals. Do we make mistakes? We sure do but what better example to show our children than to fall on our face and ask forgiveness when we mess up. What a wonderful opportunity to show them how to go to the Savior and bow before Him. But not only that, what an example to set for our children when we act wrongly towards them and we ask them for forgiveness.
I challenge all you ladies out there who are mothers, mentors, spiritual mothers, friends etc. to live in today and not the yesterdays. To be thankful for the here and now and not the “what should of been.” To be focused on the gifts you have been given and your future rather than the hurts and pains of the past. You have choices to make. Focus on the past or focus on the future. Focus on yourself or those around you. What will you choose?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The Year of Jubilee by Kim Checkeye
This morning as I was reading the Word in Leviticus 25, my heart soared from within. In the year of Jubilee, slaves were set free and properties were to revert to the families of their original owners.
I went back to the original text to look deeper into the word Jubilee. It is translated as the following:
Shout or blast of war
Alarm of joy
Alarm of war
Battle cry
Shout of joy
I don’t know about you but this is something that has been stirring deep within my soul for months now. The enemy has made us slaves to lies, fears, doubts and he has stolen many things from us including finances, family members, joy, peace, direction in the call of our life and the list goes on.
I believe it is time to sound the alarm of war, the alarm of joy, the battle cry from deep within our soul that for each of us, it is the Year of Jubilee where we are set free from the bonds of slavery and we are taking back what the enemy has stolen from us.
It is time for us to shout our battle cry to let the enemy know that we are not going to stand any longer for his lies and deception. It is time to sound the alarm that we are going to walk in the call that God Almighty has for us and nothing that the enemy throws at us will distract us from moving forward.
It is time to break out of depression and shout forth words of joy. It is time for John 8:32 to come to pass “Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”
Dear warriors sound the alarm that this is your year of Jubilee and walk in it!
I went back to the original text to look deeper into the word Jubilee. It is translated as the following:
Shout or blast of war
Alarm of joy
Alarm of war
Battle cry
Shout of joy
I don’t know about you but this is something that has been stirring deep within my soul for months now. The enemy has made us slaves to lies, fears, doubts and he has stolen many things from us including finances, family members, joy, peace, direction in the call of our life and the list goes on.
I believe it is time to sound the alarm of war, the alarm of joy, the battle cry from deep within our soul that for each of us, it is the Year of Jubilee where we are set free from the bonds of slavery and we are taking back what the enemy has stolen from us.
It is time for us to shout our battle cry to let the enemy know that we are not going to stand any longer for his lies and deception. It is time to sound the alarm that we are going to walk in the call that God Almighty has for us and nothing that the enemy throws at us will distract us from moving forward.
It is time to break out of depression and shout forth words of joy. It is time for John 8:32 to come to pass “Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”
Dear warriors sound the alarm that this is your year of Jubilee and walk in it!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Identity by Kim Checkeye
Yesterday my Pastor preached an amazing sermon and it was a life changing message for those who had ears to hear.
As he preached from his heart, it reminded me of a Bible study I wrote many years ago called “Identity in Christ.” Taking in what I learned from my Pastor yesterday, reminding myself of the things I learned while I wrote that Bible study and taking into consideration what I have seen over the past few years, I can’t help but to share some of these things with all of you.
There was one area that Jesus had to continually combat while He walked on this earth. What was that area? His identity. It was something that time and time again He was questioned on.
The first place we see this is when Jesus is lead by the Spirit into the desert. After fasting forty days and forty nights, He was hungry. At that time, Satan came to Jesus and said “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Next Satan took Jesus to the highest point of the temple and said “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down.”
At His weakest moment, the enemy came in and tried to deceive Jesus on His identity.
After this, Jesus began His ministry and we see all types of miracles, signs and wonders. John the Baptist was in prison and he heard all the things that Christ had done so he sent out his disciples to ask Jesus a question. “Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?”
Once again Jesus is being questioned about His identity. But this time it was from someone He loved and was a family member on His mother’s side. Even His own family was questioning His identity.
The next time we see this is when He is hanging on the cross. People passing by Him are hurling insults and mocking Him. “Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God.” The chief priests, the teachers of law and the elders mocked him by using His own words against Him. They laughed at Him because He claimed to be the Son of God yet God was not rescuing Him from this gruesome death.
As Jesus hung on the cross in pain and agony, the question of His identity continues until His last breath. One of the criminals being crucified next to Him mocked Jesus by saying “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us! Continually, time and time again, Jesus was being questioned about His identity. Even to this day, His identity is still being questioned.
Why is this so important to us? If the enemy tried to make Jesus doubt who He was, he will do it to us. He wants to distract us on who we are in Christ and get us full of pride.
I want to briefly go back to that Bible study I wrote. I went around to a bunch of children and I asked them two questions. The first one was “Who are you?” The second question was “What makes you Emily?” or whatever the child’s name was. Of course each child answered their name for the first question. When I asked the second question each child answered the same way except for one. Their answer was very simple, God.
When I started the Bible study with the group of women that I had come to love and cherish deeply, I had them sit in a circle. I asked them the same two questions, however; their answers to that second question were VERY different. Each woman rattled off what they did for a living, what they did at the church, how many volunteer groups they were involved in, who they were married too etc.
How do we get from that precious innocent answer of a child to some complicated answer based on titles, positions, careers etc.? The answer is quite simple, pride.
Look at Satan. He knows there is one true living God. He knows His son is Jesus Christ. He knows the word of God better than any of us here on earth. However, he allowed pride to completely get in the way and he was thrown out of heaven.
I have seen it time and time again. Someone get so full of pride that their downfall occurs because of their own ego. I have seen pastors, preachers, teachers, gifted worship leaders and the list goes on and on so on fire for God but pride gets in the way and they fall. They allow the enemy to distract them and cause them to doubt where their identity comes from. They begin to forget that who they are is wrapped up in who God is and not what they do. That seed of pride is planted and because it was not dealt with, it grew.
The enemy wanted Jesus to doubt who He was so He would not fulfill the call on His life. The enemy wants to do the same thing to each one of us and his main tactic is pride. Beware. Be combat ready. Recognize when it is pride and kick it out of your heart.
Philippians 2:3 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”
Proverbs 13:10 “Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.”
Proverbs 21:24 “The proud and arrogant man “Mocker” is his name; he behaves with overweening pride.”
Proverbs 29:23 “A man’s pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor.”
As he preached from his heart, it reminded me of a Bible study I wrote many years ago called “Identity in Christ.” Taking in what I learned from my Pastor yesterday, reminding myself of the things I learned while I wrote that Bible study and taking into consideration what I have seen over the past few years, I can’t help but to share some of these things with all of you.
There was one area that Jesus had to continually combat while He walked on this earth. What was that area? His identity. It was something that time and time again He was questioned on.
The first place we see this is when Jesus is lead by the Spirit into the desert. After fasting forty days and forty nights, He was hungry. At that time, Satan came to Jesus and said “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Next Satan took Jesus to the highest point of the temple and said “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down.”
At His weakest moment, the enemy came in and tried to deceive Jesus on His identity.
After this, Jesus began His ministry and we see all types of miracles, signs and wonders. John the Baptist was in prison and he heard all the things that Christ had done so he sent out his disciples to ask Jesus a question. “Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?”
Once again Jesus is being questioned about His identity. But this time it was from someone He loved and was a family member on His mother’s side. Even His own family was questioning His identity.
The next time we see this is when He is hanging on the cross. People passing by Him are hurling insults and mocking Him. “Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God.” The chief priests, the teachers of law and the elders mocked him by using His own words against Him. They laughed at Him because He claimed to be the Son of God yet God was not rescuing Him from this gruesome death.
As Jesus hung on the cross in pain and agony, the question of His identity continues until His last breath. One of the criminals being crucified next to Him mocked Jesus by saying “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us! Continually, time and time again, Jesus was being questioned about His identity. Even to this day, His identity is still being questioned.
Why is this so important to us? If the enemy tried to make Jesus doubt who He was, he will do it to us. He wants to distract us on who we are in Christ and get us full of pride.
I want to briefly go back to that Bible study I wrote. I went around to a bunch of children and I asked them two questions. The first one was “Who are you?” The second question was “What makes you Emily?” or whatever the child’s name was. Of course each child answered their name for the first question. When I asked the second question each child answered the same way except for one. Their answer was very simple, God.
When I started the Bible study with the group of women that I had come to love and cherish deeply, I had them sit in a circle. I asked them the same two questions, however; their answers to that second question were VERY different. Each woman rattled off what they did for a living, what they did at the church, how many volunteer groups they were involved in, who they were married too etc.
How do we get from that precious innocent answer of a child to some complicated answer based on titles, positions, careers etc.? The answer is quite simple, pride.
Look at Satan. He knows there is one true living God. He knows His son is Jesus Christ. He knows the word of God better than any of us here on earth. However, he allowed pride to completely get in the way and he was thrown out of heaven.
I have seen it time and time again. Someone get so full of pride that their downfall occurs because of their own ego. I have seen pastors, preachers, teachers, gifted worship leaders and the list goes on and on so on fire for God but pride gets in the way and they fall. They allow the enemy to distract them and cause them to doubt where their identity comes from. They begin to forget that who they are is wrapped up in who God is and not what they do. That seed of pride is planted and because it was not dealt with, it grew.
The enemy wanted Jesus to doubt who He was so He would not fulfill the call on His life. The enemy wants to do the same thing to each one of us and his main tactic is pride. Beware. Be combat ready. Recognize when it is pride and kick it out of your heart.
Philippians 2:3 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”
Proverbs 13:10 “Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.”
Proverbs 21:24 “The proud and arrogant man “Mocker” is his name; he behaves with overweening pride.”
Proverbs 29:23 “A man’s pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor.”
Monday, March 1, 2010
Distraction by Kim Checkeye
Over the past week, the same word keeps coming to my mind – DISTRACTION. I decided to look it up in the dictionary and I was completely amazed at what I found.
Distraction is the act of distracting or the condition of being distracted. Well, we knew that!!! But look at what distracted means:
To cause to turn away from the original focus of attention or interest; divert. To pull in conflicting emotional directions; unsettle.
To pull in conflicting emotional directions. Wow! I don’t know about you but I never knew that was a definition of distracted.
As I began to apply this to my life and the work of Truth for Women, I realized something I had never seen before. I know that we have a real enemy who wants to stop the vision, goal, mission that God has placed within our hearts. He does not want the Kingdom of God to advance in our community therefore; the enemy will do whatever it takes to get us to stop the work. But I didn’t realize clearly just how much these little distractions can come in and distract us from the work of the Lord or how they will pull us in a conflicting emotional direction.
As I looked at the lives of the people in the Bible, I began to see how many of them got distracted and when they did, they fell or the work of the Lord was detained.
Look at Samson and Delilah. Delilah was a distraction and she even showed Samson three times that she could not be trusted. Yet, Samson fell asleep on her knees and she cut his hair and began to afflict him. Talk about a pull in an emotional direction.
Remember how Elijah told the prophets of Baal to cut up an ox and place it on wood but they were not to put fire under it? Elijah did the same thing and then he told them to call on the name of their god to ignite the fire under the wood. The prophets of Baal called on the name of their god from morning to noon but nothing happened. So Elijah mocked them and told them to shout even louder. But of course, nothing happened.
Elijah repaired the altar of the Lord and he dug a trench around the altar. Then he arranged the wood and the ox pieces and laid it on the wood. They poured four pitchers of water on the altar and the wood. They did this three times until the water flowed around the altar and he also filled the trench.
Elijah called on the one true living God and fire consumed the burnt offering, the wood, the stones, the dust and it licked up the water in the trench.
This was a huge victory for God and for Elijah but the story does not end there. After this amazing victory, Jezebel came on the scene and threatens Elijah. She became a distraction to him and he ran off in fear. This sure sounds like a conflicting emotional direction to me! Even after such a huge victory, a man of God like Elijah got distracted and ran away for his life.
How about the disciples who got distracted by which one of them would be the greatest or the Pharisees who were distracted by religiosity that they could not see the Messiah standing right in front of them or King David who was distracted by Bathsheba and the list goes on and on.
What is the goal and the purpose of getting us distracted? I think Nehemiah explains it the best in Chapter 6. Tobiah and Sanballat hired a man to come to Nehemiah to encourage him to go into the temple and close the doors because they were coming to kill him. However, Nehemiah realized that God did not send him but that he uttered his prophecy against Nehemiah because Tobiah and Sanballat hired him. The word “realized” in Hebrew is Nakar meaning perceived, to scrutinize, observe or examine. Nehemiah used wisdom by scrutinizing, observing and examining the situation and he came to the conclusion that God did not send him.
Now here is the key in verse 13 “He was hired for this reason that I might become frightened and act accordingly and sin, so that they might have an evil report in order that they could reproach me.”
I have heard many teachings on this scripture but the one that I hold very close to my heart is that if Nehemiah would have run and hid in the temple, he would have stopped the work that God had called him to do and he would have sinned.
How many times do we get distracted by people, things, fears, lies, the past etc. and it causes us to turn away from the original focus of intention or interest so we are diverted? How many times have others pull us in a conflicting emotional direction?
It is time that we observe, scrutinize, examine and perceive the people and things around us so that we do not get distracted and stop the work that God has called us to do. Recognize what it is and remove it so you are not distracted from what God is asking you to do.
Distraction is the act of distracting or the condition of being distracted. Well, we knew that!!! But look at what distracted means:
To cause to turn away from the original focus of attention or interest; divert. To pull in conflicting emotional directions; unsettle.
To pull in conflicting emotional directions. Wow! I don’t know about you but I never knew that was a definition of distracted.
As I began to apply this to my life and the work of Truth for Women, I realized something I had never seen before. I know that we have a real enemy who wants to stop the vision, goal, mission that God has placed within our hearts. He does not want the Kingdom of God to advance in our community therefore; the enemy will do whatever it takes to get us to stop the work. But I didn’t realize clearly just how much these little distractions can come in and distract us from the work of the Lord or how they will pull us in a conflicting emotional direction.
As I looked at the lives of the people in the Bible, I began to see how many of them got distracted and when they did, they fell or the work of the Lord was detained.
Look at Samson and Delilah. Delilah was a distraction and she even showed Samson three times that she could not be trusted. Yet, Samson fell asleep on her knees and she cut his hair and began to afflict him. Talk about a pull in an emotional direction.
Remember how Elijah told the prophets of Baal to cut up an ox and place it on wood but they were not to put fire under it? Elijah did the same thing and then he told them to call on the name of their god to ignite the fire under the wood. The prophets of Baal called on the name of their god from morning to noon but nothing happened. So Elijah mocked them and told them to shout even louder. But of course, nothing happened.
Elijah repaired the altar of the Lord and he dug a trench around the altar. Then he arranged the wood and the ox pieces and laid it on the wood. They poured four pitchers of water on the altar and the wood. They did this three times until the water flowed around the altar and he also filled the trench.
Elijah called on the one true living God and fire consumed the burnt offering, the wood, the stones, the dust and it licked up the water in the trench.
This was a huge victory for God and for Elijah but the story does not end there. After this amazing victory, Jezebel came on the scene and threatens Elijah. She became a distraction to him and he ran off in fear. This sure sounds like a conflicting emotional direction to me! Even after such a huge victory, a man of God like Elijah got distracted and ran away for his life.
How about the disciples who got distracted by which one of them would be the greatest or the Pharisees who were distracted by religiosity that they could not see the Messiah standing right in front of them or King David who was distracted by Bathsheba and the list goes on and on.
What is the goal and the purpose of getting us distracted? I think Nehemiah explains it the best in Chapter 6. Tobiah and Sanballat hired a man to come to Nehemiah to encourage him to go into the temple and close the doors because they were coming to kill him. However, Nehemiah realized that God did not send him but that he uttered his prophecy against Nehemiah because Tobiah and Sanballat hired him. The word “realized” in Hebrew is Nakar meaning perceived, to scrutinize, observe or examine. Nehemiah used wisdom by scrutinizing, observing and examining the situation and he came to the conclusion that God did not send him.
Now here is the key in verse 13 “He was hired for this reason that I might become frightened and act accordingly and sin, so that they might have an evil report in order that they could reproach me.”
I have heard many teachings on this scripture but the one that I hold very close to my heart is that if Nehemiah would have run and hid in the temple, he would have stopped the work that God had called him to do and he would have sinned.
How many times do we get distracted by people, things, fears, lies, the past etc. and it causes us to turn away from the original focus of intention or interest so we are diverted? How many times have others pull us in a conflicting emotional direction?
It is time that we observe, scrutinize, examine and perceive the people and things around us so that we do not get distracted and stop the work that God has called us to do. Recognize what it is and remove it so you are not distracted from what God is asking you to do.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
A New Year and A New Season by Kim Checkeye
You know the routine. It’s a New Year so we make all those resolutions to exercise, lose weight, start a new career and the list goes on and on. Normally, we tend to fall away from those resolutions sometime in February or March!!
I love to watch the changes in the seasons. Some of the seasons I enjoy for the duration and others, well, not so much! When you think about it, what an amazing time in the earth as it transitions from one season to the next. Spring is about the rains coming down to feed the soil to prepare it for the life that is about to break forth. Summer is a time of the sun shining to bring growth to the vegetation. Fall takes away the scorching sun that can burn when it is too hot and brings in the cool air. You can see vibrant colors of change as the leaves submit to this transition of life. Then comes winter where things seem to go dormant to the natural eye but in all reality nutrients are being stored in the roots to prepare for the spring.
Now apply all these New Year resolutions and the seasons of life, to being a Christian. We come into the New Year making a promise that we will set more time aside to study His Word or to pray. Maybe we promise to start a Bible Study or sing in the choir at our church. Maybe we say “This is the year I am writing that book the Lord keeps laying on my heart.” Then as the months pass, those promises seem to go with them.
As Christians, we have seasons in our walk with the Lord. Many times we have troubles or trials that come pouring down on us but in all reality, they are the events that feed us and prepare our hearts for the breakthrough we have been looking for.
Many times the Son of God shines down upon us so clearly that it causes us to grow in leaps and bounds because we are so on fire for Him. During those times it is so evident that we are growing in the Lord because our character changes so deep within us that our “colors” change on the outside. It is a time when we submit unto the Lord and what He has for us.
Then there are those times when it seems like God has put us on a shelf to just sit and wait upon Him. We think those times are just wilderness experiences that are wasting away but in all reality, they are times when we are being feed the nutrients we need deep within our soul that will prepare us for what is to come.
Each one of these seasons is just as important as the other. Each one has its job to do and its purpose for creating us to be the woman of God that He has called us to be for the call He has on our life.
Which season are you in?
For Truth for Women we are in a season of hope and dreams becoming a reality. In 2010 we will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary in ministry. What better way to celebrate but to be able to open the doors of the long awaited dream of The Women’s Center Lehigh Valley. Yes, it has been a process but each step was just as important as the one before it.
Come and celebrate with us! Join your hands to the work and to the cause! Take a step out of one season and into the next.
I love to watch the changes in the seasons. Some of the seasons I enjoy for the duration and others, well, not so much! When you think about it, what an amazing time in the earth as it transitions from one season to the next. Spring is about the rains coming down to feed the soil to prepare it for the life that is about to break forth. Summer is a time of the sun shining to bring growth to the vegetation. Fall takes away the scorching sun that can burn when it is too hot and brings in the cool air. You can see vibrant colors of change as the leaves submit to this transition of life. Then comes winter where things seem to go dormant to the natural eye but in all reality nutrients are being stored in the roots to prepare for the spring.
Now apply all these New Year resolutions and the seasons of life, to being a Christian. We come into the New Year making a promise that we will set more time aside to study His Word or to pray. Maybe we promise to start a Bible Study or sing in the choir at our church. Maybe we say “This is the year I am writing that book the Lord keeps laying on my heart.” Then as the months pass, those promises seem to go with them.
As Christians, we have seasons in our walk with the Lord. Many times we have troubles or trials that come pouring down on us but in all reality, they are the events that feed us and prepare our hearts for the breakthrough we have been looking for.
Many times the Son of God shines down upon us so clearly that it causes us to grow in leaps and bounds because we are so on fire for Him. During those times it is so evident that we are growing in the Lord because our character changes so deep within us that our “colors” change on the outside. It is a time when we submit unto the Lord and what He has for us.
Then there are those times when it seems like God has put us on a shelf to just sit and wait upon Him. We think those times are just wilderness experiences that are wasting away but in all reality, they are times when we are being feed the nutrients we need deep within our soul that will prepare us for what is to come.
Each one of these seasons is just as important as the other. Each one has its job to do and its purpose for creating us to be the woman of God that He has called us to be for the call He has on our life.
Which season are you in?
For Truth for Women we are in a season of hope and dreams becoming a reality. In 2010 we will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary in ministry. What better way to celebrate but to be able to open the doors of the long awaited dream of The Women’s Center Lehigh Valley. Yes, it has been a process but each step was just as important as the one before it.
Come and celebrate with us! Join your hands to the work and to the cause! Take a step out of one season and into the next.
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